12 Days of Christmas Cookie Series

I just love this time of year! Holiday parties, driving around looking at Christmas light, Christmas movies, time for giving… I have a new series starting my Christmas gift to you. It’s 12 Days Christmas Cookie Series I have 12 recipes coming your way. And they are paleo, grain-free, refined sugar-free and totally and completely full of delicious flavor. These are perfect for anything Christmas desserts. A cookie exchange, cooking with the kids, holiday parties, Christmas Eve night, Cookies for Santa. Anything!
12 Days of Christmas Cookie Series
If there is a time to make a lot of cookies, it is Christmas time!
And it feels so good to be in the kitchen in December baking while Christmas music is blaring.

With Christmas time comes so many parties to go to, potlucks to bring food to and cookie exchanges to participate in. I want to equip you this Christmas not only with healthy treats but ones that everyone will love. That way instead of saying “no” to holiday parties and cookie exchanges, you can attend and jump on in and participate too.
The first day of the 12 Days of Christmas Cookies starts Monday, December 11th!
Day 1 is a recipe for Energizing Peanut Butter Protein Balls. I will be posting one new cookie recipe each day. So make sure you check back every day for your next recipe!
This time of year can bring on extra unwanted stress. The holiday season shouldn’t bring on extra stress so let’s simplify. My hope with putting this little series together to help you enjoy this holiday season. And not stress over the foods you eat over this season.
If you have a favorite healthy cookie recipe send it my way and I will feature you on the blog! =)
I’m excited to share these fun recipes!

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Hi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!