BABY CHICKS HATCH: Our First Hatching
🐣💕🐥 NEW BABY CHICK!! 🐣💕🐥
Last month Ryan and I were out for our evening walk around the property and my husband said do you hear a baby chick? I was like “No Way!!” I hurried over to the coop and sure enough, we have a baby chick out in the middle of the run! I knew I had a broody hen but I’ve never had any of my broody hens actually hatch an egg!!
I picked up the little tiny chick and took it into the coop. I already had a “nursery” set up from when my last batch of chicks moved outside to the large coop.
Watch this Reel I posted on Instagram from the very moment I found this sweet little chick!
The Mama hen was in the corner of the coop sitting on more eggs. I did try to move her into the nursery with the baby chick but she wasn’t having it. I then tried to give the baby back to the mom but she kept peaking the chick and I was worried about the other hens and my rooster being mean to the new baby. So I got the heat lamp turned on and gave her some water and food.
The next afternoon I went to check on the Mama Hen and Chick and discovered we had another chick hatch!!! I was so excited! I tried to hold this new baby but Mama wouldn’t let me and peeked my hand so hard I actually got a big bruise. When the new chick went under her mom I tried to give her first chick back but she peeked at her again. She seemed to be rejecting the chick for some reason. She was great with the new baby chick.
Here is the reel I posted when I found the second baby.
Later that day I discovered that chick #1 had pasty butt. I took her outside the coop and cleaned her all up. The Mama Hen was not happy. She poked her little head out the coop door into the run looked at me and growled!! I wish I had taken a video of it! She was NOT HAPPY!! After the baby was all cleaned up I put her back in nursery.
Day 3 when I went to check on them mama hen and the two chicks were out and about in the coop at first I thought she had another chick hatch but the first chick just got out of the nursery and was with her mom and sister. I opened up the nursery coop door and the three of them went in and that is where they have been the last month.
I moved over the rest of the eggs into the nursery and mama continued to sit on them but no other eggs hatched.
Mama Hen has been great with the first chick every sense I cleaned up the pasty butt. My therory is that she thought this chick wasn’t going to make it because of the pasty butt. If not taken care of the chick will die. So once it was taken care of the mom excepted the chick.
I will be poisting updates plus a full blog on must haves for broody hens and chicks.
If you want daily updates just follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/innovativehealthandfitness I share them every day in my stories. Find me here.
Have you had naturally hatched chicks? What questions can I answer for you about raising chickens?
Have a wonderful day!

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Hi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!