2024 Top Ten Read Blog Posts
Happy New Year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2024 https://livesimplywithkristin.com/2024-top-ten-read-blog-posts/
Simple Ways to Practice Positivity
Life is full of ups and downs, but staying positive can help us navigate it all with grace and gratitude. In this post, discover simple ways to practice positivity daily, from starting your morning with gratitude to surrounding yourself with uplifting people. With a mix of practical tips, inspiring quotes, and Bible verses, this guide offers encouragement and easy-to-follow steps for anyone seeking to cultivate a more positive mindset
4 Tips to help you Actually Workout
These 4 tips can help you re-focused and get back on track with your workouts! These tips are a helpful tool to have in your back pockets for those moments when your mind needs convincing and your to-do list is growing by the minute! You know, the times when you feel like you just don’t have time for a workout, or you just don’t feel like exercising. Those are the times when these tips are super effective. Here are some of the tips I use to help me get my workouts in more consistently. Tip #1. Done is better than perfect! While you may think perfection is a helpful tool, it’s actually…