Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations Do you know that on average women think 85,000 thoughts a day—with upwards of 95% of those thoughts being negative?  YIKES!  In fact, our brains are wired to make these negative thoughts STICK to play over and over and over again, all in the name of survival mode.

Today I want to talk about affirmations! What we tell ourselves each and every day is so very important for our health and well being.

Do you know that on average women think 85,000 thoughts a day—with upwards of 95% of those thoughts being negative? YIKES!  In fact, our brains are wired to make these negative thoughts STICK to play over and over and over again, all in the name of survival mode.

What are you saying to yourself daily through your words and thoughts?

Are they empowering you and uplifting you to dream bigger? Life is going to have struggles and challenges that’s why it’s so important to have healthier more positive conversations with yourself.

To change your life you’ve got to start changing what you believe.  Saying daily affirmations are a great way to start changing how we show up in life, especially the more you do them.

Powerful daily affirmations to start changing your life

  1. I am Strong!
  2. I am Amazing and incredibly blessed!
  3. I am ready to enjoy perfect health!
  4. I choose happiness, health, and love for myself!
  5. I am overflowing with Happiness!
  6. I can do hard things!
  7. I trust myself!
  8. I am enough, I have enough, I do enough!
  9. I am proud of who I am!
  10. I am Smart!
  11. I attract positivity!
  12. Today will be a great day!
  13. Everything will be okay!
  14. I am in control of my life & feelings!
  15. I have people that love me!
  16. I have a lot to be grateful for!
  17. Everything I need is within me!
  18. I will work with abundant enthusiasm and confidence!
  19. I am confident!
  20. I am grateful!
  21. I am focused!
  22. I am unstoppable!
  23. I choose to be happy right now!
  24. I deserve to be financially free!
  25. I am grateful for everything I have!
  26. I value myself!
  27. I trust in my abilities!
  28. I am worthy of my dreams and goals!
  29. I give myself permission to be myself!!
  30. What is coming is better than what is gone!
  31. I replace negative and irrational thoughts with loving and realistic thoughts!
  32. I radiate confidence and positivity!
  33. I am successful!
  34. I am capable!
  35. I am committed to being the person I want to be!
  36. There is only one of me!
  37. I have a Brilliant mind
  38. I love who I am now and I adore who I am becoming
  39. I am unstoppable!
  40. I love my body
  41. I love me
  42. I am lovable
  43. I deserve success
  44. I am beautiful
Check out  I don't have time to workout!

I have put together a free daily printable for you to put in your bathroom mirror so you can see it every day! Download it free here!

daily Affirmations Do you know that on average women think 85,000 thoughts a day—with upwards of 95% of those thoughts being negative?  YIKES!  In fact, our brains are wired to make these negative thoughts STICK to play over and over and over again, all in the name of survival mode.

Don’t forget to download your free printable!

Elite Fitness Trainer Kristin

Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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[…] If you are looking for even more encouraging affirmations check out this blog post. […]

5 years ago

I have been using affirmations for a while now, but I am constantly finding more that I love. Your list has so many I haven’t considered before, my favorites being “ I am ready to enjoy perfect health” and “ I am unstoppable.” Thank you for all the great ideas!

Jennifer Steenerson
5 years ago

I love this list. Reading affirmations daily really does help. Thank you.

5 years ago

Great daily affirmation! I downloaded it and printed it! Thank you!

Anitra Jackson
5 years ago

These are all so amazing, I can’t find a favorite! Thanks for making this a download, I am loving this!

5 years ago

Great affirmations! I was going to choose one saying it resonated but they ALL do!

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