Single Leg Plank

Planksgiving 2024

Planksgiving 2024 Challenge!!!

It’s back! After taking a couple of years off I’m bringing Planksgivng back!!! This is the 8th year of Planksgiving! I love this challenge and it has been a huge hit each year growing more and more.

Well, the holidays are right around the corner. Let’s stay fit this holiday season. Do you want to work on your abs? Tone, slim, reveal your 6 pack?? Then this PLANKSGIVING 30 Day PLANK CHALLENGE is for you…

Are you in?? Please join us for 30 days of plank challenge starting NOVEMBER 1st!!!

I will send you photos and descriptions each day for 30 days so that you can easily perform each plank variation anywhere!

So what is the Planksgiving 30-Day Challenge and why am I obsessed with planking??? Follow along on Instagram  #planksgiving

 The challenge: Hold that day’s plank for 1 minute!


Time yourself while doing the assigned plank for that day. See the image provided for example. Hold that day’s plank for 1 minute.

Below are a few more details on how this challenge will work.

When it comes to planks, the form is everything. Paying close attention to form not only ensures you’ll get a great workout but also that you’re protecting your body from injury. The plank is best known for working your core, but planks also engage more than 20 muscles, including your shoulders, back, arms, legs, and glutes. Planks allow you to work your core without the risks of back injury and overstressed hip flexors. For minimal time investment, you challenge all the major muscles, strengthening your body, improving balance, and preventing future injuries. And not to mention, the plank is 100% excuse-free, meaning no special gear, machines, or equipment are required. All you need is a timer; you can drop anywhere and get your core work in!

If you would like to read more about the importance of strengthening our cores check out my blog post here.


Let’s make this challenge the biggest challenge yet!!! Please Invite your friends and family!!!

How To Accept the Challenge:

  1. Click here to join
  2. Follow me on Instagram here
  3. Join my Facebook Group here
  4. Invite your friends. Accountability is key! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!



Sign up here!

Kristin l


Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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