• When is the Best Time to Workout?

    Have you heard any of these below… ​“You should workout in the morning to start your day as productive as possible!”“Fasted cardio first thing is the best way to go”“Your body is at its natural peak in the evening” Can be a bit confusing right?!?! I get asked all the time: “when is the best time to workout?”, or whether one is better for weight loss than the other. So, today I’m going to explore this in a little more detail.  When is the Best Time to Workout? Are you a night owl or an early bird? Choosing the Best Time of Day to Workout Is it better to workout…

  • How-To-Make-Time-For-Exercise www.innovativehealthfitness.com

    How To Make Time For Exercise

    An active and healthy lifestyle is something we should all aim for but it’s not always easy. I often get asked how to stay motivated to exercise.  If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that quick fixes are NEVER the answer! The good news is there are things you can do to make exercise part of your lifestyle.  How to make time to workout Here are some of my top tips to make the time to workout and turn exercise into a lifestyle. Commit to Yourself! Making the commitment to add exercise into your life is the first step. To get there, you need a plan for when you’ll…