• 4 Things Stealing Your Energy And How To It Back! www.livesimplywithkristin.com

    4 Things Stealing Your Energy and How to get it Back!

    Feeling drained all the time? You might be overlooking common habits that steal your energy. In this post, discover four everyday energy zappers—dehydration, lack of movement, too much stress, and not enough protein—and learn simple, actionable tips to reclaim your vitality and feel more energized throughout the day!

  • Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. -Tony Robbins quote

    Setting Goals

    Today I want to talk about Goals!           Setting Goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins Write down your goals! What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to feel? Where are you currently at with your health? Getting into the habit of journaling your thoughts daily can help improve your mindset as well! “If you cab dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney  Follow these steps to successful goal setting. If your goals are important enough for you to set them, I want you to achieve them. Get super clear about your goal – BE specific As you…

  • 12 days of fitness

    12 Days of Fitness

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But it can also be a very stressful time of year! That’s why I have put together a fun new free series 12 days of Fitness! Every day for 12 days you’ll be receiving an email full of healthy lifestyle tips to help you not just survive but THRIVE this holiday season. Plus I will be doing a couple of giveaways during this free challenge! You can sign up for my free 12 days of fitness below! Looking for a little extra motivation to keep you on track this holiday season? I’ve got you with this free 12 days of fitness with…

  • How-To-Make-Time-For-Exercise www.innovativehealthfitness.com

    How To Make Time For Exercise

    An active and healthy lifestyle is something we should all aim for but it’s not always easy. I often get asked how to stay motivated to exercise.  If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that quick fixes are NEVER the answer! The good news is there are things you can do to make exercise part of your lifestyle.  How to make time to workout Here are some of my top tips to make the time to workout and turn exercise into a lifestyle. Commit to Yourself! Making the commitment to add exercise into your life is the first step. To get there, you need a plan for when you’ll…

  • Healthy Lifestyle

    Healthy Lifestyle

    What does it really mean? The word “healthy” means different things to different people. It could totally mean one thing to one person and then something completely different to another. Regardless of who you are, I want to make one point very clear: being healthy does not have a single set of rules you have to live by!  But there are some principles you can adopt to create a healthy mindset, which will give you a great foundation for being healthy. If you’ve ever been a bit overwhelmed or thought to yourself, “What does health mean?”, then this blog is for you. Now is the time to think about how you…