• Cozy bedroom The importance of making your bed!

    Make Your Bed!

    Transform your daily routine with the simple act of making your bed! Discover the surprising benefits of this small task, from boosting productivity and reducing stress to creating a tidier living space. Dive into the power of routine and discipline, and unlock a happier, more organized lifestyle. Elevate your mornings and set the tone for success with a beautifully made bed every day. Explore the magic of this everyday ritual and start your journey to a more serene and productive life!

  • Self-Care is so very important for our health! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/fit-friday-self-care/

    Fit Friday- Self Care

    Fit Friday- Self Care During this month our  I wanted to focus today on Self-Care. I am all about nourishing our minds and bodies from the inside out. What Do We Mean by ‘Self-Care’?Self-care can mean any number of things, but sometimes it can be mistaken for self-indulgence. This is far from the truth: While self-care can definitely feel indulgent, it’s nothing to be ashamed of! In reality, the majority of us take too little time for our own self-care. It doesn’t mean expensive spa days or “me time” at the mall (though it very well may take those forms if it feels right). Rather, self-care is about ensuring that you get all…