Q & A Health & Fitness Edition
Welcome to my first Ask me anything Health & Fitness Addition. I am so excited to bring this new series to my blog as well as to my Instagram! =) The following are totally anonymous questions that you’ve submitted, and I’m providing my thoughts and advice. I received some amazing questions, and because I plan to post this series regularly, not all have been included. If you have a question that you’d like advice on in the next Q & A, please submit it here. On Instagram last week I asked my followers what their Health and Fitness questions were. I answered them in my stories with a quick answer.…
5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Strengthen Your Core
A Strong Core is the Key to Flat Abs If you’re working towards that elusive six-pack, balance is important. Too much focus on the abdominals to the exclusion of other core muscles makes it harder to get the abdominal definition you’re looking for. To avoid this problem, balance exercises that work your abdominal muscles with ones that strengthen the muscles in your back, hips and pelvis. Do a well-balanced abdominal workout that focuses on all of the muscles in abdominal region, and add more back extensions and planks to work the muscles in your back and pelvis. Instead of zeroing in on your abs, aim for balance.Strong Core Muscles Improve…