Staying Healthy on Vacation!
Today we are going to talk about staying healthy on vacation.
My family is getting ready to go on a vacation to Mexico! Yay! We can’t wait this will be the first time my daughter has gone out of the country and our first big vacation just the four of us. My son was an international traveler at the wee age of 9 months. We’ve gone camping and done small trip just the four of us but most of our big vacations we go with family which we love. It just worked out this time that they couldn’t join us.
In the spirit of our trip I want to share a few of my best tips to staying healthy on vacation.
5 Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation
- Fresh fruit
- Raw vegetables
- Almond Butter
- Yogurt
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Ready-to-drink protein shakes
- Water
- Protein bars (low sugar)
- Jerky (nitrate and preservative free)
- Nuts (salt free)
- Dried fruit (no sugar added)
- Protein powder in a shaker cup
These types of healthy snacks will tide you over and can prevent you from needing that donut at the airport or chips from the gas station. Save your indulgences for a fun local restaurant, not the cheap preservative loaded foods you’ll find in terminals and convenience stations. Another tip that will save you from processed travel food it to eat a big, healthy, protein-rich meal before you leave your house. If you leave the house hungry, the junk food might get the best of you.
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Hi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!