PB Assist

Tune Up Your Body Day 5

Tune Your Body Challenge Day 5! Are you ready? How did yesterday go? If you missed Day 4 you can check it out here.  

day 5 tune up your body PB Assist

PB Assist+ Probiotic Defense Formula

PB Assist+ is a proprietary formula of pre-biotic fiber and six strains of probiotic microorganisms in a unique double layer vegetable capsule. It delivers 6 billion CFUs of active probiotic cultures and soluble pre-biotic FOS (fructooligosaccharides) that encourage friendly bacterial growth.* The time-release, double-capsule delivery system is designed to help protect the sensitive probiotic cultures from stomach acid. PB Assist+ offers a unique, safe, and effective way to deliver the well-recognized digestive and immune system support the benefits of probiotics.*


Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is approximately 25 feet long and is responsible for digesting and absorbing the nutrients in the foods you eat, while also helping eliminate waste products from your body. Beyond these important functions, your GI tract, particularly the intestines, also perform very important immune functions in the body. A healthy intestinal tract is critical for optimal digestive function and immune system support.

Directions for Use

Take one double-layer capsule three times daily with food for 10 days each month to promote colonization of friendly digestive flora.* Can be used more frequently and for extended periods of time when digestive flora has been compromised by digestive stressors. PB Assist+ also may be used when traveling to boost digestive immunities, or once a day as an ongoing maintenance program for people with occasional digestive discomfort.*

Primary Benefits

  • Promotes a positive balance and proliferation of beneficial bacteria*
  • Maintains healthy intestinal microflora balance*
  • Supports healthy functioning of the digestive and immune systems*
  • Supports the health of the GI tract, particularly the intestines and colon*
  • Helps support optimal metabolism and absorption of food*
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Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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