Building Our Raised Beds

Building Our Raised Beds

Building Our Raised Beds was so much fun! Do you garden? I love gardening and love learning more and more each year. I am particularly excited for this year’s vegetable garden because it’s at our new house! We have decided to build raised beds because the location we want to plant our garden holds the water and is like a lake after a rain or snow storm. It would be too wet and would drown the garden if we just planted in the ground. I can not tell you how excited I am for my raised beds! I have been wanting to build them since we bought the place!

Here it the before picture of the land we are going to build the raised beds. To the left of the picture is where the old greenhouse was. You can read about the #demoday here.

We had talked about building raised beds for a little while. One weekend Ryan asked what our plans were for the weekend and we didn’t really have any so he asked ” Want to go to Home Depot and get stuff to build the raised beds? I said YES!! Let’s go!!”

Before we left we went over to the garden site to map it out. Ryan had me draw in the dirt the design I wanted. Totally should have been an architect! LOL But this was my rough idea of how I wanted the layout to be!

We decided to go with Sheet metal instead of wood. It will last longer…. Hopefully anyway.. 

We came home and got to work! I don’t’ have a lot of pictures of the building because I was helping hold the metal and or wood that was being cut and put together!

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This project took us one afternoon! Which I have to say I am very impressed with Ryan’s handyman silks! =)

Progress 4 beds made 3 more to go!!


Finished!!! Yay! I am so very happy how they turned out! I just need to fill them and I would like to have an archway going into the garden. 


Love them!!! This was for sure a day worth all the hard work so very rewarding!! What for my next blog all about how we will fill these beds and for updates throughout the Spring and SUmmer!! Happy Planting! 

Your Friend and Coach,








Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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