Staying Healthy on Vacation!

Today we are going to talk about  staying healthy on vacation.

My family is getting ready to go on a vacation to Mexico! Yay! We can’t wait this will be the first time my daughter has gone out of the country and our first big vacation just the four of us. My son was an international traveler at the wee age of 9 months. We’ve gone camping and done small trip just the four of us but most of our big vacations we go with family which we love. It just worked out this time that they couldn’t join us.

In the spirit of our trip I want to share a few of my best tips to staying healthy on vacation.  


5 Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation

Staying hydrated is always important. But when we travel, it should be the first thing on your mind. Especially if you’re on an airplane because the humidity inside the cabin is lower than normal. Your body will also be acclimating to a new climate, and between finding your way around and enjoying your trip drinking water can be easily forgotten. We typically drink more alcohol while on vacations so try and drink a glass of water in between each drink. Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and loads of other issues. Not something we want to experience on vacation.  It can also cause hunger, so drink up! I recommend 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day. When you arrive at your location find a convenience store and purchase some bottled water for each day that you’re traveling. Or you can also bring a reusable water bottle to help you drink more water.
  • Fresh fruit
  • Raw vegetables
  • Almond Butter
  • Yogurt
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Ready-to-drink protein shakes
  • Water
  • Protein bars (low sugar)
  • Jerky (nitrate and preservative free)
  • Nuts (salt free)
  • Dried fruit (no sugar added)
  • Protein powder in a shaker cup
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These types of healthy snacks will tide you over and can prevent you from needing that donut at the airport or chips from the gas station. Save your indulgences for a fun local restaurant, not the cheap preservative loaded foods you’ll find in terminals and convenience stations. Another tip that will save you from processed travel food it to eat a big, healthy, protein-rich meal before you leave your house. If you leave the house hungry, the junk food might get the best of you.

3. RESEARCH RESTAURANTS AHEAD OF ARRIVING IF YOU PLAN TO DINE OUT. Not only will you have a better dining experience, you’ll be able to make sure you have good-quality food. I usually use TripAdvisor to find places with good reviews and view menus to find a place that looks equally healthy and delicious. Traveling or not, when you look at food ask yourself if you’re respecting your body before you eat it. You want to make sure to have a protein and veggies at each meal.
Stay as active as possible. When you are traveling it’s very easy to just sit around, especially if you’re driving or flying… but stay as active as possible!  When you’re in airports, walk around instead of just sitting and waiting for your next flight When you are at your destination, walk and stand as much as possible.  Just that extra activity is going to go a LONG way for preventing bloating which is a huge issue when you’re traveling. Try and get a workout in at least a couple times while you are gone. Need help with workouts you can do anywhere check out my IHF Fit Club
5. Don’t Stress
Vacation is supposed to be a time to relax and rejuvenate, not make yourself crazy by counting every calorie. If you want the dessert have it and that fruity drink go ahead. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t stick to your usual fantastic eating habits. Just try to make the best food choices you can and above all ENJOY YOURSELF!
What vacation plans do you have? Do you have any good vacation tips?

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Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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