• New Year New Name!

    Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing 2022! Can you believe it is already 2023? You may have noticed my blog has a new URL and name! Live Simply with Kristin! I am so excited about this new change and I hope you are too! I have been feeling the pull to rebrand for a while now but at the same time, it’s a bit scary! I have loved everything I have done with Innovative Health & Fitness. Let’s look back at Innovative Health & Fitness I started Innovative Health and Fitness blog on October 1, 2014! My First Post: I have published 345 blog posts which actually…

  • New YouTube Channel

    I am so excited to let you know that I have started a new YouTube Channel! Check out my intro video here. I have had a YouTube Channel for a long time but I wanted to do more! I have filmed a lot of videos over the last three years and I never uploaded them because I felt they really didn’t go with my channel which is a Fitness Channel. But I enjoy so much more than just fitness. This channel will be filled with DIY’s, Home Remodel, gardening, chickens, and more. It would mean the world to me if you would subscribe to my new channel! (It’s Free!) I…

  • Welcome to my first Q & A health and fitness edition. I am answering all your health and fitness questions. www.innovativehealthfitness.com

    Q & A Health & Fitness Edition

    Welcome to my first Ask me anything Health & Fitness Addition. I am so excited to bring this new series to my blog as well as to my Instagram! =) The following are totally anonymous questions that you’ve submitted, and I’m providing my thoughts and advice. I received some amazing questions, and because I plan to post this series regularly, not all have been included. If you have a question that you’d like advice on in the next Q & A,  please submit it here. On Instagram last week I asked my followers what their Health and Fitness questions were. I answered them in my stories with a quick answer.…