• Simplifying Our Retirement Accounts

    Disclaimer: I am not in any way a financial advisor. I am simply sharing what we are doing as a family to become financially independent. If you have been following our journey to financial independence. You know that we are taking steps to FIRE (Financially Independent Retire Early) {You can catch up here.} We are One Step Closer to FIRE One of the latest steps we have taken was to simplify our investment accounts. If you are anything like us, you probably have several retirement accounts all in different companies. This can be difficult to keep track of everything not to mention the FEES… We will be talking about that…

  • Our Journey to Financial Independence

    This is going to be a bit of a different blog series then I normally write. But I wanted to share this journey with you! Our journey to financial independence may seem like an extremely off-topic for my blog but in my eyes, I see quite the opposite! Our finances can really put a toll on our health in several different ways. It can add extreme stress and we all know that stress has a major negative effect on our health. Same with our jobs they can be extremely stressful and demanding of our health. I also wanted to start blogging about our journey to keep up more accountable. It’s…