• Planks are all about your CORE and more! Why strengthening your core is important: Reduces the Risk of Injury, Better Posture, Improves Your Ability to Do Everyday Activities, A Strong Core is a Key to Flat Abs.

    How to Plank for Beginners

    Planks are all about your CORE and more! Why strengthening your core is important: Reduces the Risk of Injury, Better Posture, Improves Your Ability to Do Everyday Activities, A Strong Core is a Key to Flat Abs. Determine your baseline. Time yourself while doing a basic plank. Pick your level and hold as long as you can. When it comes to planks, form is everything. Paying close attention to form not only ensures you’ll get a great workout, but also that you’re protecting your body from injury. The plank is best known for working your core, but planks also engage more than 20 muscles, including your shoulders, back, arms, legs,…