
On the Eighth Days of Cookies

On the eighth day of Cookies, my Trainer gave to me…

Paleo Fudge Cappuccino Crinkles

A soft chocolate cookie that’s baked with coffee and cinnamon and rolled around in powdered sugar making it the perfect cookie to enjoy with a cup of coffee.

Paleo Fudge Cappuccino Crinkles

Paleo Fudge Cappuccino Crinkles

Paleo Fudge Cappuccino Crinkles

MAKES: 32       SERVINGS PREP: 15 MINS       BAKE: 10 MINS 350°F

Paleo Fudge Cappuccino Crinkles


Cacao vs Cocoa:

Chocolate is derived from the cacao plant, which grows pods. When those pods are cracked open, inside there’s a seed that looks a bit like a coffee bean. They both start in the same form.  Cacao powder contains nearly four times the antioxidant power of cocoa powder—and more than 20 times the amount found in blueberries. Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage that occurs as a result of daily exposure to toxins, stress, sun damage, and inflammation. When it goes unchecked, free radical damage can result in a chronic disease like cancer.

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Cocoa powder starts out as raw cacao. First, the oils are separated, then the beans are finely crushed. But here’s a big difference—cocoa powder is heated to super-high temperatures, which usually gives it a less bitter taste. And it’s not just the flavor that changes; exposure to higher temps changes the molecular structure, which reduces the enzyme content and lowers the over nutrient content of the powder. Many companies also end up adding fillers like powdered milk and sugar to bring down costs and give it a sweeter flavor, which further detracts from any lingering health benefits.


Photo Souce 

Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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