Happy New Year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2023 https://livesimplywithkristin.com/2023-top-ten-read-blog-posts/

2023 Top Ten Read Blog Posts

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Happy New Year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2023 https://livesimplywithkristin.com/2023-top-ten-read-blog-posts/

Happy New Year! For the last four years, I have shared my top ten blog posts I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2023 you can read my Top Ten Blog posts from:

Top Ten Blog Posts in 2022 here.

Top Ten Blog Posts in 2021 here

Top Ten Blog Posts in 2020 here

Top Ten Blog Posts in 2019 here.

I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below on what you would like to see from me in 2024!

Okay, let’s get started with my Top 10 Blog Post from 2023!

Click on the blog names to read the post!

10. BABY CHICKS HATCH: Our First Hatching

Broody Hen and her Chickshttps://livesimplywithkristin.com/broody-hen-and-her-chicks/

Last month Ryan and I were out for our evening walk around the property and my husband said do you hear a baby chick? I was like “No Way!!” I hurried over to the coop and sure enough, we had a baby chick out in the middle of the run! I knew I had a broody hen but I’ve never had any of my broody hens actually hatch an egg!!

Read more here.

9. vTOS Surgery Update Part 4

vTOS Journey Part 4 
This journey has been more challenging than I thought it would be. https://livesimplywithkristin.com/vtos-surgery-update-part-4/

This journey has been more challenging than I thought it would be and as I’m writing this update which is way overdue I am getting ready for another surgery. It’s actually really hard for me to write because I feel like it’s such a negative situation and I don’t like to focus on the negative but I want to get my story out there to hopefully help others out there in a similar situation.

Check out   Meal Planning Sunday #12

Read more here.

8. My First Born is Off to College

My first born is off to College! My Mama heart is having a hard time letting go! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/off-to-college/

I feel as a parent no one really talks about how it feels when your child goes off to college. We talk about how hard the infant stage is, terrible twos… But what we fail to talk about is how hard it is to let your child go and let them become their own person! It’s so exciting and a wonderful time but also full of emotions. Are they ready? Did you teach them enough?… Continue to read here.

7. Getting Started with Ducks!

Backyard ducks everything you need to know to get started! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/getting-started-with-backyard-ducks/

When we first talked about raising chickens my son said he really wanted to raise ducks. We decided to get a pair. They were both straight runs so we didn’t know the sex of the two ducks. When I first started writing this blog I thought we had got two female ducks but ended up with a male.

Read more here.

6. Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Bacon and ranch - flavors that adults and kids will both love! This is so delicious and only 2.5g carbs! It’s the perfect healthy weeknight dinner that everyone will love – and it even freezes well, too! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/chicken-bacon-ranch-casserole/

Bacon and ranch – flavors that adults and kids will both love! This is so delicious and only 2.5g carbs! It’s the perfect healthy weeknight dinner that everyone will love – and it even freezes well, too!

Get the recipe here.

5. Starting Seeds Inside

How to Start Seeds Inside https://livesimplywithkristin.com/starting-seeds-inside/

I love planting in our backyard garden. Growing seeds is one of the first steps in making a home garden. Did you know you can start seeds in egg cartons and empty toilet paper rolls?…. Read more here.

4. Meal Planning Sunday #38

Meal Planning Sunday #38 Easy and quick meals your family will love! Helping you take back your time! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/meal-planning-sunday-38/#mealplanning #keto #carnivore #carnivorediet

Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up!…. Read more here.

Check out   Meal Planning Sunday #13

3. Ziplock Bag Organizing

Let's organize the ziplock bag drawer. https://livesimplywithkristin.com/ziplock-bag-organizing/

I love to organize and make things clean and easy to find. My ziplock draw had been bugging me for a while. I had been looking for organizing solutions every time I went to the store but finally looked on good old Amazon. They have so many cool options…

Read more here.

2. Top Ten Free Valentine’s Day Ideas

Looking for Free Things to do on Valentine’s Day?! While Valentine's day can be a great, love-filled day for many, it does put a lot of unnecessary pressure on couples, who often, end up spending a lot of unnecessary money on gifts. You can actually have a great time with your partner without spending a lot! Read on to discover 10 awesome free things you can do this Valentine’s Day! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/top-ten-free-valentines-day-ideas/

Looking for Free Things to do on Valentine’s Day?! While Valentine’s Day can be a great, love-filled day for many, it does put a lot of unnecessary pressure on couples, who often, end up spending a lot of unnecessary money on gifts. You can have a great time with your partner without spending a lot! Read on to discover 10 awesome free things you can do this Valentine’s Day! Continue reading here.

My #1 Post of 2023……..

1. Getting Started with Backyard Chickens

Getting Started with Backyard Chickens everything you need to know! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/getting-started-with-backyard-chickens/

Getting started with backyard chickens and everything you need to get started! I still remember the day Ryan and I were sitting on our porch a few weeks after moving into our property talking about if we should get chickens that spring or wait until next year after we cleaned up the property a bit. Continue to read here.

Here’s to an amazing 2024!!! Full of happiness, laughter, and health!

Kristin l www.livesimplywithkristin.com

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Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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