2024 Top Ten Read Blog Posts
Happy New Year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2024
How To Use Essential Oils Throughout The Home
Essential oils may be great for aromatherapy, but can they really be used to help clean your home? In fact, lemon, tea tree, rosemary, lavender, and peppermint essential oils are all naturally antibacterial, whereas many more, like orange, pine, and eucalyptus, are often major ingredients in less-natural cleaning products. For me, the initial purchase of a bunch of essential oils was absolutely worth it; only a few drops are ever used at once, and they have plenty of uses around the home. Here are just a few of the ways you can clean and freshen your house with them.
DIY Laundry Soap
I love making my own soap! Especially now with the craziness going on right now and not being able to just run to the store and grab a few things. This recipe you should have everything in your house right now to make. I first made this recipe back in July and it works great.
DIY Dishwasher Tabs
Are you looking to get rid of the toxins in your home? Try theses quick and easy non-toxic dishwasher tabs! Click here to see to how your current products measure up on! When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has told us that the air inside our homes is more dangerous than the air outside our homes – we listen. Did you know that the FDA doesn’t mandate that companies disclose the full ingredients on household care products? This is why this playground contains hundreds of brands that are pumping harmful, very common ingredients into what we’re buying … such as: chlorine bleach ammonia coal tar dye formaldehyde triclosan fragrance phosphates etc. Click…