• Rest days and why they are important R: Recover E: Eat S: Stretch T: Tune In www.innovativehealthfitness.com

    REST Days

    R.E.S.T. DAYS Rest Days and why they are more important than you think! It’s totally fitting that I am putting together this blog post right now! Because I am actually on a forced rest day (weeks…month) I actually started to write this post before my injury but I thought now is the time to publish this post! =) Want to see why I’m on a forced rest day check out my post here My thoughts on rest days and how I use them to optimize my training, recover properly, and listen to my body. They may be harder than workouts sometimes. But they are so necessary to stay healthy and…

  • Sore

    Sore? Here are my 6 Tips to recovering faster!

    Why do we get sore from our workouts? The simple answer is that when we work out, we break down our muscles. That sounds terrible, right? But it’s not. It’s actually exactly what you want! That’s what your body is doing, too. Your workouts create tiny little tears in your muscles, which are then rebuilt when you rest and recover. This is how your body grows stronger, and how you build up more healthy lean muscle. The consequence is some soreness, particularly 24 – 36 hours after your workout, and particularly when you get out of bed in the morning or out of your chair in the afternoon! But we…