Tune Up Your Body Day 1
Tune Up Your Body Day 1
This immune-boosting oil is great to use immediately on the bottom of the feet to relieve most illnesses.
Also use this oil to remove some superficial skin moles and skin tags, calluses.
Use this oil for aching muscle relief. Because this oil heats up, you can use it as a warming tool for aching muscles.
Oregano is one of those oils I don’t use often but when I need it, I NEED it immediately.
When I feel the beginning of a cold or a sore throat coming on, I start putting oregano on my feet (or veggie capsule) and load up on onguard plus frequently throughout the day.
If I catch the crud early enough I can usually kick it before it develops into a full-blown sickness.
It’s a must have oil in our house.
How do you use oregano?
Support your body in the way it needs when it needs it. Oregano oil can be taken internally to help support a healthy immune system and healthy digestion and respiratory function.*
How to order and Save!!!
Go to http://bit.ly/2HpZKbt
Click “JOIN & SAVE”
Click “JOIN DOTERRA” Bottom right
Select “Wellness Advocate” or “Wholesale customer”
Fill our tour info and make sure you have 3925591 as your enroller (that’s me
Choose your Enrollment Kit
Don’t for get to Add Oregon Touch Item: #60200227
???Message me for questions or ordering help or go here: http://bit.ly/2HpZKbt
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Hi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!