What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?

What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?
- Increase energy
- A decrease in high blood pressure
- Blood sugar and insulin levels can drop within 3-5 days
- Free-Floating fats (triglycerides) can drop
- C-Reactive protein, the maker inflammation, can drop
- HDL (the healthy cholesterol) can rise
- Diabetes risks can drop by half
- Decreased sleep apnea
- Reduced symptoms of joint disease-easier to move
- Decrease risk of heart disease
- Decreased incidence of GERD and Acid Reflux
- Decrease the
risk of several cancers - Decreased stress
- Increased self-esteem
- Clothes fit better
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Hi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!
