Jack Graduated from High School!

My firstborn son graduated from High School. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of him! But here I go.

I’ll be honest, my heart is beaming with pride, excitement, and joy but also aching, as I know he is on the verge of spreading his wings and flying! Jack graduated from Colorado Early Colleges, Class of 2022.

Total Mom brag time!

Not only has he completed High School he graduated with High Honors and received his Associate’s Degree and a Business Specialization Certification.

It’s hard for me to believe he has completed this chapter in his life. It feels like yesterday he was off to preschool for the very first time.

1st Day of Preschool!

He started his school career in Arizona where he was a Lil Jag then went to kindergarten and half the year in 1st grade. His first-grade teacher was on a reality show and Jack got to make a couple of appearances. That was fun! I tried to find a short clip but can’t find one at the moment. The whole class stayed after school one day to film for the show.

We moved during spring break back to Colorado and he became the third generation CLP student. Jack’s Grandpa went there as well as his Dad! Plus I had a ton of family that went to CLP. Jack has made some lifelong friends at CLP they still all hang out. And are planning a big trip this summer.

When it was time for Jack to go to High School we visited his home High School and also the High School Ryan (Jack’s Dad graduated from) and it was just a regular high school nothing extra special. Not saying it is a bad school but when we visited Colorado Early Colleges we were very excited. This school works with each student individually and gives them the opportunity to graduate with an Associate’s Degree for FREE!

The school years may seem long and challenging but they really do go by so very fast.

Part of the graduation was a Rose Ceremony. Each student is given a yellow rose to give to someone who has helped them throughout their school years.

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The Yellow Rose had a card attached that read:

” I present this rose to you as a symbol of the support you have offered throughout my education. Thank you for being instrumental in the success I celebrate as I graduate.”

I was so very honored that Jack gave me the yellow rose!

Graduation day was so amazing and emotional for me! I was so glad I brought the tissues with me! I not only cried happy proud Mama tears when Jack’s name was called and he walked across the stage but I also cried for the kids who won awards. It was a very special day. My heart was full!

Before the graduation ceremony started they had a slide show of all the students with all of their achievements.

They also had a special slideshow in the middle of the ceremony for the Rose Ceremony! Cue the tears!

I am so very proud of Jack and can’t wait to see what he does next!



Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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