
  • Daily Affirmations

    Daily Affirmations

    Today I want to talk about affirmations! What we tell ourselves each and every day is so very important for our health and well being. Do you know that on average women think 85,000 thoughts a day—with upwards of 95% of those thoughts being negative? YIKES!  In fact, our brains are wired to make these negative thoughts STICK to play over and over and over again, all in the name of survival mode. What are you saying to yourself daily through your words and thoughts? Are they empowering you and uplifting you to dream bigger? Life is going to have struggles and challenges that’s why it’s so important to have…

  • Free Daily Goal Tracker!

    Free Daily Goal Tracker! Can you believe we’re almost half-way through the year? Did you start out 2017 with intentions to take better care of your health?  If you’re like so many, (myself included!)  you start the year with big goals and big visions….but by mid-year you lose focus. Life happens, we get busy, old habits continue. When we don’t take the opportunity to recommit, we wait until New Year’s to get back on track. To help you stay on track or get back on track, I’ve put together a free Daily Goal Planner Print this planner, take a few minutes to fill it out and check in on how you’re doing. Put…