
  • Jack Graduated from High School!

    My firstborn son graduated from High School. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of him! But here I go. I’ll be honest, my heart is beaming with pride, excitement, and joy but also aching, as I know he is on the verge of spreading his wings and flying! Jack graduated from Colorado Early Colleges, Class of 2022. Total Mom brag time! Not only has he completed High School he graduated with High Honors and received his Associate’s Degree and a Business Specialization Certification. It’s hard for me to believe he has completed this chapter in his life. It feels like yesterday he was off to…


    Wow is it really August already! This summer is flying by! My kids are back in school! Jack is starting his Sophmore year and Gillian is a 7th grader this year.  July was our no spend month you can read about it here. I am so glad we did this it was very rewarding plus we saved a lot of money. With a new month and the challenge over we still don’t want to overspend this month just because it’s no longer a no spend month. That would almost defeat the purpose of the challenge last month. With that said it is a month we do have to spend a…

  • Grocery Shopping

    No Grocery Shopping!

    No Grocery Shopping! Back in November my husband Ryan and I decided we were spending way too much at the grocery store each week. When we had 3 freezers full of wild game and frozen vegetables from our garden. Why were we spending so much at the grocery store when we had plenty of food and even homemade ready to go meals I had froze. First thing was first we organized the three freezers. It was amazing what we found and honestly we probably didn’t even need to go to Costco to stock up on anything we could survive and thrive on all the food we had! Freezer #1 Upright Freezer:…

  • Working Out With Kids

    Here’s the thing: Working out with kids can be challenging. If you’ve got kids, small ones especially, you know exactly what I mean. “Your Kids are a reason to workout! Not an excuse!” You can either use your kids and your crazy life as an excuse, or you can use them as motivation to be the best you and the best mom you can be! If I know one thing as a busy working mom with two kids of my own, it’s that my own health and fitness are just as important as all of the other things I’m managing on a daily basis. If I don’t make fitness a…

  • Father’s Day Weekend

    Hello!! How are you?  I hope you have had a fun weekend! We had a blast, we decided to go camping what a fun time. It was just my husband and daughter. Our son if on vacation with my sister in law. We went hiking, fishing, glasses, relaxed and enjoyed the beauty of this beautiful world.   This was a fun hike and fishing excursion. We hiked down to the Poudre River and Ryan fished along the way he had a big bite but it broke off. He did catch one fish but wasn’t big enough to cook up for dinner so he let it go.  Gillian and our puppy…

  • Non-Candy Easter Baskets

    Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links from which I will earn a commission. Can you believe Easter is almost here? What do you do for Easter? My family and I hunt for baskets and eggs then if the weather is nice we go for a hike. This is my family last Easter 2016!  Hunting for an Easter Basket full of goodies is such a fun activity kids look forward to! Did you know that it’s estimated that Americans spend 2.4 billion dollars on Easter candy each year according to data from the National Retail Federation? WOW, that’s just crazy! I had no idea.  And we wondered why the obesity rate in kids keeps going…

  • Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving!

    Thanksgiving is a special tradition filled with family, friends, lots of food and alcohol. You can enjoy your Thanksgiving while accomplishing your weight loss and health goals, all while enjoy your favorite holiday foods. No need to worry. There is a way to enjoy your Thanksgiving and still keep your nutrition and exercise goals. Did you know that the average person will consume approximately 2500-3000 additional calories during the Thanksgiving eat-a-thon?   I’ve put together this Ebook with my tips for having a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving. Plus healthy holiday recipes, a workout to get you all ready for Thanksgiving! Download below! No need to throw your diet to the wind…

  • Hi I’m Kristin this is My Story!

    Hi! I just wanted to write this blog and tell you a little bit about myself and my story! For those of you that have been following me for a while I’m glad you are here and that you have continued to support this wonderful fitness journey. For those of you that are new welcome! I am so glad you are here! I have been a little quiet over here lately. Still going strong on Facebook and Instagram.  I have been doing a lot of research and studying trying to figure out the direction I want to go with my fitness business. I am so excited for all the new knowledge…