
Meal Planning Sunday #2


Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up!

Not on my list yet!?

And my hope is that you too will share your favorite recipes and we will all be rock stars in the kitchen!!

Here we go!


Steak, Potatoes and a green.


Steak and potatoes is a request every week from my husband. I think I could probably make this for him every night and he would be super happy!


Taco Tuesday
Get the Recipe here

Taco Tuesday!

Well, it’s another Taco Tuesday!!! Recipe here. I’ve been making homemade tortillas here is the recipe I’ve been using.


My son requested Swedish meatball to be on this week’s meal plan.


Green Thai Chicken Curry with Asian Greens Recipe | myfoodbook | Easy Thai Green Curry
Get the Recipe Here!


We usually have a frozen pizza or leftovers.

Saturday & Sunday

We usually do free range on the weekends. SO I never plan a meal.

I hope you enjoyed my first Meal Planning Sunday!

Check out  Steak Fajitas

Have a great day!!

Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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Sherry Stewart
Sherry Stewart
5 years ago

I Especially like Monday and Thursday!!

Sherry Stewart
Sherry Stewart
5 years ago

YUMMY!! I Especially like Monday and Thursday!!

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