5 weekly habits https://livesimplywithkristin.com/5-weekly-habits-to-feeling-your-best/

5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best

With summer coming soon and things starting to open up, I want to share some of my top tips to refresh and feel your best when you have an event or plans coming up. These habits are always important, but stick to them extra consistently in the weeks leading up to your big day!  www.innovativehealthfitness.com

With summer coming soon and things starting to open up, I want to share some of my top tips 5 weekly habits to feel your best!

Step up your hydration

Why drinking more water is important for your health!

This will make your skin glow, speed up your metabolism, energize you, and help flush out toxins. I always recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you have something special coming up, add an extra 8 ounces per day. Set reminders on your phone to drink up and track your intake in a journal. Check out my blog post here with more details on hydration!


  • Drink water first thing in the morning!
  • Fill up a water bottle before bed and keep it on your nightstand.
  • Add lemon or other fruit add some flavor.
  • Add bubbles! I’ve been enjoying seltzer water from my soda stream (no flavoring added)
  • Have a glass of water with every meal  and snack.
  • Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.

Get plenty of Sleep!

Benefits of Healthy Sleep https://livesimplywithkristin.com/healthy-sleep/

At least 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night

This is so important for your muscle recovery and metabolism, and it will make you look refreshed and radiant! When you are sleeping that’s when your body is repairing itself! Power down your electronics at least 30 minutes before bed to help you wind down, this can be a huge challenge. Do you scroll before bed? The blue light suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, which tells your body it’s time to rest. Check out this blog post about sleep.

Check out  April Promo


You want to make sure your immune system is functioning at its best — no one has time to get sick!!

  • ACV Gummies are amazing for balancing your blood sugar and revving your metabolism, and they are so delicious as an after-dinner treat. Read More here.
  • Ashwagandha helps with sleep, weight loss, reduce stress, boost your immune system, memory You can find out more about it here.
  • Superfruits Gummies – Antioxidants and essential nutrients for real results. This proprietary formula improves collagen formation and skin elasticity, restores skin’s radiance, supports a healthy immune system and so much more! Read more about it here.
  • Collagen Peptides – Helps support overall health & wellness, 100% Daily Value Vitamin C, An antioxidant vitamin that can help promote collagen production and a youthful appearance. I add this to my coffee every morning! Read more about collagen here.
Self-Care is so very important for our health! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/fit-friday-self-care/

Schedule a weekly self-care day 

Make time for at least one self-care day/evening a week to decompress. Take a bath with Epson salt, put on some music, do a face mask, and pour some wine or kombucha! Making sure you have some time for yourself! This will keep you fresh to get the rest of your commitments done throughout the week. If you don’t have time for a whole day or night, maybe it’s just carving out 30 mins!

Another part of self-care is making sure you are moving your body and working out at least three times a week. Go for a walk, yoga, strength training. If you have been following me for a while you know that I am obsessed with LES MILLS On Demand there are so many options for all fitness levels. Check it out here.

Check out  Cauliflower Potato Bake

They have recently added a Wellness program These calming practices are the perfect complement to your physical workouts. If you start experimenting with these different practices and add one or two sessions to your weekly routine it can make a remarkable difference to your overall sense of wellbeing.

If you are feeling stressed or just want to relax I suggest trying a BODYFLOW or one of the Breathing Exercises on the wellness section.

Want to check it our for FREE for 30 days click here

Ask for support 

Supporting each other and asking for help is so important! www.innovativehealthfitness.com

If you are feeling overwhelmed, reach out to your partner, family, or friends to go through your checklist with you and help you get it all done. You can go for a walk with a friend to talk out your to-dos so you’re moving and checking things off at the same time! And no matter what you’re going through, you can always turn to me for support. I’m cheering you on always!

Accountability is so very important to help us stay on track! I wanted to make sure I added this to my 5 weekly habits because we don’t have to do this alone!

Find a group of people that will challenge and inspire you!

I’m so excited for you to start the Get Pumped for Summer Challenge with you! Let me know if you signed up and check in with me using the hashtag #IHFGetpumpedforsummer. Can’t wait!

I hope you enjoyed my 5 weekly habits to feel your best. Do you have anything to add?

Your Friend and Coach,

Kristin creator of Innovative Health and Fitness www.innovativehealthfitness.comElite Fitness Trainer Kristin www.innovativehealthfitness.com
5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best! Summer is almost here. I want to share some of my top tips to refresh and feel your best!

Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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Kelly Krebs
3 years ago

Thank you so much for posting these tips! I love the idea of scheduling a self-care day a week. Thank you so much for posting these!

LaRena Fry
LaRena Fry
3 years ago

I am so appreciative for blogs like yours which keep me motivated.

3 years ago

Amazing post and tips?

3 years ago

Such great tips! Water and rest are my two biggest habits.

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