
  • Staying Healthy on Vacation!

    Today we are going to talk about  staying healthy on vacation. My family is getting ready to go on a vacation to Mexico! Yay! We can’t wait this will be the first time my daughter has gone out of the country and our first big vacation just the four of us. My son was an international traveler at the wee age of 9 months. We’ve gone camping and done small trip just the four of us but most of our big vacations we go with family which we love. It just worked out this time that they couldn’t join us. In the spirit of our trip I want to share…

  • Sore

    Sore? Here are my 6 Tips to recovering faster!

    Why do we get sore from our workouts? The simple answer is that when we work out, we break down our muscles. That sounds terrible, right? But it’s not. It’s actually exactly what you want! That’s what your body is doing, too. Your workouts create tiny little tears in your muscles, which are then rebuilt when you rest and recover. This is how your body grows stronger, and how you build up more healthy lean muscle. The consequence is some soreness, particularly 24 – 36 hours after your workout, and particularly when you get out of bed in the morning or out of your chair in the afternoon! But we…


    Here are a few tweaks you can add to your workout routine, to maximize fat loss and smash through any plateaus. 1. Lift weights. I can’t say this enough, but if you want to turn your body into a fat burning machine, then you need to lift weights. Lifting weights helps the body build lean muscle and it’s your muscle that burns calories. Therefore, the more muscle you have the better your body will be at burning fat. That’s why in all my workout programs I incorporate strength training. If you already lift weights, don’t be afraid to increase the size you lift for an increased intensity. 2. Get your…

  • Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving!

    Thanksgiving is a special tradition filled with family, friends, lots of food and alcohol. You can enjoy your Thanksgiving while accomplishing your weight loss and health goals, all while enjoy your favorite holiday foods. No need to worry. There is a way to enjoy your Thanksgiving and still keep your nutrition and exercise goals. Did you know that the average person will consume approximately 2500-3000 additional calories during the Thanksgiving eat-a-thon?   I’ve put together this Ebook with my tips for having a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving. Plus healthy holiday recipes, a workout to get you all ready for Thanksgiving! Download below! No need to throw your diet to the wind…