We all know how important it is to get plenty of sleep but we also know that we are not all getting all the Zzz’s we need. Sleep is important! Sleep deprivation impairs your judgment, makes the body retain fat, your body is unable to repair properly from training, and you can increase the chances of early Alzheimer’s. Tip for better sleep! Create a restful environment Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Make it a stress-free zone free of clutter. I don’t know about you but I can’t sleep in a messy room. Often, this means cool, dark, and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to…
5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best
5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best! Summer is almost here. I want to share some of my top tips to refresh and feel your best! https://livesimplywithkristin.com/5-weekly-habits-to-feeling-your-best/
Healthy Sleep
We all know how important it is to get plenty of sleep but we also know that we are not all getting all the Zzz’s we need. Sleep is important! Sleep deprivation impairs your judgment, makes the body retain fat, your body is unable to repair properly from training, and you can increase the chances of early Alzheimer’s. Tip for better sleep! Create a restful environment Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep. I…
DIY Sleep Roller Blend
Today I am making a quick and easy DIY Roller Bottle Blend to help you get that restful sleep! Roman Chamomile Primary Benefits Has a calming effect on the skin, mind, and body* Soothes the systems of the body* May help support healthy immune system function* Roman Chamomile grows close to the ground, reaching only up to a foot in height. It has gray-green leaves, flowers that resemble a daisy, and smells like apple. The plant has been nicknamed the “plant’s physician” because it has positive effects on plants growing nearby. Ancient Romans used the oil for courage during the war. While the most common use of chamomile is in…
Halloween Candy Detox
Did you over indulge on Halloween this year? BE HONEST!! Even the healthiest of us can get into a little too much Halloween fun, and while everything good in moderation we sometimes go overboard it’s okay!!! No need to put your self down! Here are my easy tips to get yourself back on track!!! Who is up for a post Halloween candy detox? Drink more water: Make drinking water a priority for the next few days especially. It will help to flush out all of the toxins that come from over indulging in the Halloween candy. You should aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of…