Halloween Candy Detox

Did you over indulge on Halloween this year?


Even the healthiest of us can get into a little too much Halloween fun, and while everything good in moderation we sometimes go overboard it’s okay!!! No need to put your self down!

Here are my easy tips to get yourself back on track!!!


Who is up for a post Halloween candy detox?


  • Drink more water:  Make drinking water a priority for the next few days especially.  It will help to flush out all of the toxins that come from over indulging in the Halloween candy.  You should aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each and every day.
  • Eat Whole Foods:    Our bodies are amazing and fascinating in how they keep us healthy!  Our own liver and kidneys help our bodies detoxify naturally, so we don’t need to go to any extreme measures of detoxifying.  You can, however, help your body get back on track by focusing on whole foods and staying away from processed foods.
  • Walk:  In addition to making sure your nutrition is on track, help jump start your system by focusing on staying active. If your waistband feels a little too snug, head outside for a leisurely 30-60 minute walk. Leisurely walking lowers cortisol (Stress Hormone) and actually helps air bubbles pass through your digestive tract quicker.  In Fact: Our bloated feeling will disappear much faster if you’re moving than if you’re simply lounging on the couch.
  • Donate Left Over Candy: Don’t keep the extra candy in your house. We all know that eventually we will end up eating it. It’s best to just get it out of our homes to eliminate the temptation. I know some dentist offices will exchange your candy for a toy!
  • Sleep: Remember how I said that our bodies are amazing and they work to keep us healthy automatically?!  It’s true!  You don’t need to go to any extreme measures of detoxifying, BUT you do need to do your part by giving your body time to do its job. Which is why sleep is so very important. Its gives our bodies time to reset our hormones. Sleep gives our bodies time to reset, recharge and recover!
Check out  Love Your Body 21 Day Challenge

Happy, Healthy & Strong

Your Coach,



Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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