• Wow! 2022 was another dozy of a year! But we've made it to another year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2022 https://livesimplywithkristin.com/2022-top-ten-read-blog-posts/

    2022 Top Ten Read Blog Posts

    I can’t believe January is almost over! For the last three years, I have shared my top ten blog posts I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2022 you can read my Top Ten Blog post from: Top Ten Blog Posts in 2021 here Top Ten Blog Posts in 2020 here Top Ten Blog Posts in 2019 here. I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below on what you would like to see from me in 2023! Okay, let’s get started with my Top 10 Blog Post from 2022! Click on the blog names to…

  • Planning a Trip to Cabo www.innovativehealthfitness.com

    Planning a Trip to Cabo

    Today I want to talk all about planning a trip to Cabo and how to do it for less! Our trip was so amazing and a much-needed trip getaway from all the crazy health issues I have been dealing with these last 6 months. Read more about it here. The most-asked questions are here for future reference. So, below is just that; all the info! We planned the trip as everyone’s main Christmas gift. I want to make this a new tradition instead of buying things we don’t really need I want to share experiences. A big THANK YOU to my cousin Jenny! For all her tips and suggestions while…