
  • 4 Tips to help you Actually Workout

    4 Tips to help you Actually Workout

    These 4 tips can help you re-focused and get back on track with your workouts! These tips are a helpful tool to have in your back pockets for those moments when your mind needs convincing and your to-do list is growing by the minute! You know, the times when you feel like you just don’t have time for a workout, or you just don’t feel like exercising. Those are the times when these tips are super effective. Here are some of the tips I use to help me get my workouts in more consistently. Tip #1. Done is better than perfect! While you may think perfection is a helpful tool, it’s actually…

  • Positive Affirmation in stressful time

    Positive Affirmations in Stressful Times We are in this together!

    How do we practice gratitude and abundance when we feel stressed or overwhelmed? Affirmations are a simple and proven way to rewire our brains.  Much like exercise feeds our bodies, affirmations feed our brain positivity. Ever hear the saying, “We are what we think”?  This means that your life is dictated largely by your thoughts.  But recognizing this is just the first step. You must then translate those thoughts into words – and then into actions. Here are some positive affirmation examples you can try today: “Today, I am content and calm.” “I am blessed with so many talents that I will use today.” “My body is healthy, my mind…

  • Daily Affirmations

    Daily Affirmations

    Today I want to talk about affirmations! What we tell ourselves each and every day is so very important for our health and well being. Do you know that on average women think 85,000 thoughts a day—with upwards of 95% of those thoughts being negative? YIKES!  In fact, our brains are wired to make these negative thoughts STICK to play over and over and over again, all in the name of survival mode. What are you saying to yourself daily through your words and thoughts? Are they empowering you and uplifting you to dream bigger? Life is going to have struggles and challenges that’s why it’s so important to have…


    Surprise Lesson From Squeezing an Orange

     If someone squeezed you, what would come out?If that question seems strange… please just stick with me for a minute.  Have you ever read a quote and thought. “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well, I read this and it really made me think!  I had to pass it on to you. I hope you enjoy it and hope it sparks something in you as it has for me! ❤ While speaking at a conference, Dr. Wayne Dyer asked a young man the following question: “If I were to squeeze this orange as hard as I could, what would come out?”The young man looked at me like I was a…

  • 8 Ways to BOOST YOUR MOTIVATION to Work Out More!

      “Don’t wish for it WORK for it!” Are you in need of some motivation to start a new workout routine or to stay on track with your health goals. Here are my eight tip to boost your motivation to workout more!  Let’s get motivated to workout more, get moving and  getting healthy. 1.) Envision that post workout “high” I just love that post workout feeling! Don’t you? You know there is only one way to get it. Ready. Set. GO!!! 2.) Set realistic fitness goals. Divide bigger aspirations into smaller checkpoints. Making each a triumph of their own. 3.) Visual Goal Hang a picture of yourself at your goal…