New Year New Name!

Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing 2022! Can you believe it is already 2023? You may have noticed my blog has a new URL and name! Live Simply with Kristin! I am so excited about this new change and I hope you are too! I have been feeling the pull to rebrand for a while now but at the same time, it’s a bit scary! I have loved everything I have done with Innovative Health & Fitness.

Let’s look back at Innovative Health & Fitness

I started Innovative Health and Fitness blog on October 1, 2014!

My First Post:

I have published 345 blog posts which actually isn’t that many looking back. I also have 116 draft blog posts that I never publish. Maybe one day I will get them all published!

My first Online Workout Challenge was January 2015!

Meal Planning Sunday

Started October 20, 2019

If you are interested in having me bring this back! My last Meal Planning Sunday post was on June 20, 2021

I post what my family will be eating for the week along with the recipes.

My last Blog post as Innovative Health & Fitness

These last eighteen months have been challenging with my TOS journey. You can read more about it here. My struggle with TOS has made it difficult to type on the computer so I took a break from blogging and only published 7 blog posts in 2022. Since July 2021 I haven’t been able to workout. So having a fitness business and blog just no longer fit. I will eventually be able to get back into working out full time but my doctor has said it will be another year or so before I can really get back into my normal workout routine.

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Becuase of this, I have been sharing more and more about my chickens, home remodeling, gardening, and more over on Instagram. All things that I really love to share and gives me so much joy! I had been feeling like the name Innovative Health and Fitness just wasn’t fitting anymore with what I was actually sharing. I had been thinking about rebranding for a while but I was nervous to make the change. Because I knew it was going to take some time and work to re-brand.

What finally was my last push to change my name on Instagram and on my blog was I bought some new feed for my chickens and I shared it on my Instagram Stories the company shared my post and said “Thank you Innovative Health & Fitness” and it just didn’t fit. I knew it was time to finally bite the bullet and change my name. So I did that very day!

I had originally wanted to just use my name but it wasn’t available it is crazy to find out there are so many Kristin McConnell’s out there! I wanted something that could grow and change with me no matter what topics I decide to write about.

Even though this is my own blog and I can choose to write whatever I want I felt I was limited in what I could write about. Even though lately I have put a few posts about my chickens and things like that, it just didn’t fit with Innovative Health and Fitness. With my new name Live Simply with Kristin, I feel free to write about all kinds of topics. You will also find some about Health and Fitness just not as much.

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What you can expect from me on this blog. Everyday life, raising chickens, raising teenage kids, recipes, gardening, DIY projects, home remodeling…

I am so excited about this fresh start and I hope you will continue to follow along with me!

I hope you have agreat New Year!

Kristin l

Hi!! I'm Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!

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