Pumpkin Breakfast Bake
Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Butternut Squash Apple Soup
Thick, creamy, and absolutely fantastic, this Butternut Squash Apple Soup is a great winter warmer and super easy to make! Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Butternut Squash Soup
Healthy Butternut Squash & Apple Soup Fall is here and in full swing! Time for soups and warm delicious meals. Today is November 1st! I can’t believe it! Can you? Our gardening has almost come to an end for this year. Which is bittersweet! I won’t miss weeding our large garden! But I will miss grabbing some fresh veggies right from our garden. Now I just go downstairs to our large freezer for all the prepped and frozen garden veggies. I just have a few herbs and kale that are still doing great. This year, we decided to grow butternut squash. After making this soup I am so thankful we decided…
Planksgiving 2017
Planksgiving 2017 Challenge!!! Its that awesome time of year again! Time for our 3rd year of Planksgiving! I love this challenge and it has been a huge hit each year growing more and more. Well, the holidays are right around the corner. Let’s stay fit this holiday season. Do you if you want to work on your abs? Tone, slim, reveal your 6 pack?? Then this PLANKSGIVING 30 Day PLANK CHALLENGE is for you…. Are you in?? Please join us for 30 days of plank challenge starting NOVEMBER 1st!!! I will send you photos and descriptions each day for 30 days that you can easily perform each plank variations anywhere! So…
Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Zucchini Bread
Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Zucchini Bread
Hello Fall! Which also means its Pumpkin Season!! Try this yummy clean and gluten-free chocolate pumpkin bread. This would be perfect for breakfast paired with eggs and bacon. When you buy Chocolate chips look for the highest Cacao 60% or higher. Stay away from milk chocolate its full of added sugar. cacao vs cocoa Cacao: Chocolate is derived from the cacao plant, which grows pods. When those pods are cracked open, inside there’s a seed that looks a bit like a coffee bean. Jackpot. That’s the cacao bean. Raw, it tastes like a very bitter version of chocolate, and the flavor profile can be different based on the variety of plant,…
Fitabulous Fall Challenge
Hello, October!!! Can you believe it’s already October? I love Fall and everything it offers!! The fam and I will be decorating our house for Fall and Halloween today!! Yay! When do you start decorating? With a new month also means time for a new challenge? Will you join us? IHF Fit Club an Online Gym! Fat burning, muscle building workouts every month, healthy recipes, tips and tools to help you with all your fitness goals. Do you feel like you have no time to workout? Or go to the gym? Have no energy? No problem! This membership is for you! I’m a busy Mom so…
Egg Salad
Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Egg Salad
EGG SALAD I have to say I love egg salad. I’ve been on a mission to find a way to make a healthy version. I made this recipe a couple days ago and its so good! And to be honest, there really isn’t anything super special about this recipe. It’s just egg salad, but that’s what makes it perfect? To increase the protein in this recipe I added full-fat Greek yogurt to the egg salad. I like to get, at the very least, 25 g of protein at every meal. So adding in a little extra never hurt anyone. This egg salad will keep you full when you eat with…
Back To School
Back to School! Well, it that time of year again. Kids are headed back to SCHOOL! Or the “S” Word according to my kids. Do you dread it or celebrate them going back to school? I have mixed feelings each year. I don’t like that I don’t get to be with them all day but on the other hand, I get the opportunity to focus a bit more on my fitness and property management business. I think the older they get the easier it gets to send them back to school. This year my kids are going into the 5th and 8th grade. Where does the time go? Seems like…
Super Detox Salad
Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Super Detox Salad
Super Detox Salad This salad tastes amazing! And who doesn’t like a clean healthy anti-inflammatory detox? =) This super detox salad is full of health benefits. Let’s talk about the dressing ingredients. Apple Cider Vinegar: Can help acid reflux, lower blood pressure, improve diabetes and support weight loss. The benefits of apple cider vinegar come from its powerful healing compounds, which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics, and enzymes. Turmeric Turmeric is a powerful spice with an impressive list of uses and benefits. It’s known for its antioxidant content and ability to work as an anti-inflammatory. This common culinary spice is prized in many cuisines around the world and…
Craving Junk Food
Do you crave junk food? We’ve all been there! These cravings come and go but do they actually mean something? Cravings can come at any time but do I dare say it!? During that lovely time of the month can be a bit challenging. Our hormones are going crazy! Which often leads to craving and binge on junk. I have put together some tips to help you eliminate those PMS cravings! But it doesn’t just have to be that time of the month when our hormones are out of balance our body naturally craves nutrients that we are lacking. But our bodies can get a bit confused and when…
Working Out With Kids
Here’s the thing: Working out with kids can be challenging. If you’ve got kids, small ones especially, you know exactly what I mean. “Your Kids are a reason to workout! Not an excuse!” You can either use your kids and your crazy life as an excuse, or you can use them as motivation to be the best you and the best mom you can be! If I know one thing as a busy working mom with two kids of my own, it’s that my own health and fitness are just as important as all of the other things I’m managing on a daily basis. If I don’t make fitness a…
Paleo Glazed Banana Bread Donut Holes
These banana donut holes are just amazing!! My whole family loves them as well. They are super sweet without all the added sugar. Most tradition banana breads or donut are just filled with lots of processed sugar. I made these a week later into a banana bread switch I will post about soon. I had to make a few adjustments for the bread. This recipes includes simple ingredients make the tastiest baked donut holes, topped with a perfectly sweet, honey vanilla glaze. This is a great healthy way to use up ripe bananas that you are about to throughout. I was going to bring these camping with us but they…
Workout Wednesday!
Workout Wednesday! Hi, Friends! I hope you are having a fantastic week for far! Did you find a lot of good deals for Amazon Prime Day? We ordered several things. Just got an email that some of the items have already shipped! Yay!! Are you a Prime Member? Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial The IHF Fit Club has been AMAZING to watch grow. My hope is for it to grow even more. And I can continue to help others with their health and fitness goals. The daily interacting on the private Facebook group, is amazing with everyone cheering each other on, holding one another accountable. To learn more, go…
Amazon Prime Day!
Amazon Prime Day, which is Amazon’s biggest sale ever, is happening right now! As a busy mom who loves any chance to shop online, easier than dragging my kids into the stores with me! =) Plus today’s savings are just amazing!! I am so excited! Take advantage of the sales today and check out some of the normally expensive fitness gear with marked down prices. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up some top-selling fitness gear for cheap! In honor of Prime Day I’m offering a one time sale for new IHF Fit Club Members. You can join today of $1!!! I have never done this sale before and I’m not…
Yield: 10 to 12 servings Active Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 12 hours (freezing time included) Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe