
  • 5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Strengthen Your Core

    A Strong Core is the Key to Flat Abs If you’re working towards that elusive six-pack, balance is important. Too much focus on the abdominals to the exclusion of other core muscles makes it harder to get the abdominal definition you’re looking for. To avoid this problem, balance exercises that work your abdominal muscles with ones that strengthen the muscles in your back, hips and pelvis. Do a well-balanced abdominal workout that focuses on all of the muscles in abdominal region, and add more back extensions and planks to work the muscles in your back and pelvis. Instead of zeroing in on your abs, aim for balance.Strong Core Muscles Improve…

  • Kale Chips

    Do you love chips and a crunchy snacks but don’t like the fat or calories? Well I sure do but as you know greasy chips are NOT kind to our waist lines! I have a delicious chip alternative. Kale chips! They are so good and my kids LOVE them! I have a hard time keeping in the house. Almost as soon as I get them out of the oven the kids dive right in. You can buy kale at pretty much every grocery store. I like to find a batch with the smallest leaves. They make a better chip. This year we have planted a beautiful garden. I am so…

  • Healthy Spring Food

      Spring is here! Summer is just around the corner!  The days are getting longer, the air is getting refresher, and everyone seems to be in a good mood. This changing of the season marks a time for all things to come alive and experience renewal. During this time of renewal, allow fresh healthy Spring foods to crowd out unhealthy food & unhealthy habits. Simply eating more of the fresh foods you’ll find at your local market will gradually crowd out any lingering rich or heavy foods until you no longer desire those anyway. To help you embrace the season, I’ve put together a list of  spring foods and how…

  • Why Hire a Personal Trainer

    There are so much information online, free workouts, free recipes, and nutrition advice. Why hire a personal trainer? Can you loose weight and get healthy without a trainer? Sure you can and I’m sure you would do fabulous.  Below are my top reasons why you should higher a personal trainer.   1. Motivation Perhaps the single, biggest benefit of hiring a trainer is motivation. On your own, people lose motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. A Certified fitness trainer can provide structure, direction, accountability as well as be a friend who is interested in helping you succeed. 2. Individualized program Everyone’s body is different and we all carry…

  • Arm Challenge

    Are you ready to get your Arms in shape for Spring? My Arm Challenge with help you get ready for tank tops and bikini season. With these day arm exercises you can tone and build muscle that will make you feel confident this Spring and Summer.    Come join me for my 31 Day Arm Challenge!   Let’s make this challenge the biggest challenge yet!!! Please Invite your friends and family!!!    How To Join the Challenge:    1.) Click the link to receive your Arm Challenge straight to your inbox:   Arm Challenge Sign Up Email Address First Name         2.) Join the event on Facebook:   3.) Like Innovative Health…

  • Love Your Abs Challenge

    Come join us for a Love Your Abs Challenge!  Summer will be here before we know it! And you know what our Bikini bodies are made in the winter NOT in the summer! You are on the right track starting so early!! How To join the Challenge: Love Your Abs Challenge Sign up Here: Email:   Name: 3.) Like Innovative Health & Fitness 4.) Join Our Event on Facebook here: Love Your Abs Facebook Event   I really hope you will join me in this challenge! I had a great time with the squat challenge!   See you soon,   Kristin Related posts:4 Things Stealing Your Energy and How to…

  • Personal Training

    Hey Fort Collins, Are you looking to make fitness and nutrition changes in 2015 but not sure where to start? Looking for a personal trainer?     Innovative Health & Fitness is now Excepting New Clients!    Let me help you with an individualized program designed just for you to help you reach your personal fitness goals. Your program will include nutritional guidance, offer the newest and innovated fitness programs around. I will personally work with you one on one in the privacy of your own home.   Initial Consultation/Fitness Assessment is included.   I am a certified Personal Trainer with a specialty in Fitness Nutrition. I have a passion for helping…

  • My Tips on Setting Goals

    Happy New Year! What do you want to accomplish in 2015? Did you know that only 8% of people complete their new years resolutions!!! Maybe this year instead of making a resolution we set small goals for ourselves, or at least to set a realistic resolution. What are your goals for this coming year? Here are a few tips on setting goals. BE REALISTIC: You can always add and increase your goals as you meet them. If we set goals that are to far out of your reach you are more likely to give up. A good goal should stretch you but not pull you way over your comfort zone. COMMIT Commit yourself…