
  • What is Collagen?

    Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links from which I will earn a commission. What is Collagen?     You have heard me talk about collagen and probably seen me add it to my coffee of my InstaStories .   I started to use collagen for a couple reasons. It adds a great source of protein to whatever you add it too, it helps promote healthy hair. My hair was falling out like crazy! It was all over the house, I never had any bald spots but if I would comb my hair with my hands I would have a handful of hair. Since I’vestartedd using Collagen mainly in my morning coffee I have seen…

  • What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?

    What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?  Increase energy A decrease in high blood pressure Blood sugar and insulin levels can drop within 3-5 days Free-Floating fats (triglycerides) can drop C-Reactive protein, the maker inflammation, can drop HDL (the healthy cholesterol) can rise Diabetes risks can drop by half Decreased sleep apnea Reduced symptoms of joint disease-easier to move Decrease risk of heart disease Decreased incidence of GERD and Acid Reflux Decrease the risk of several cancers Decreased stress Increased self-esteem Clothes fit better Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough RecipeKristin McConnellHi!! I’m Kristin McConnell,  I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing…

  • Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

    Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting Easter is almost here! What are your plans and traditions for Easter? We usually do Easter brunch with the family and then we go for a hike if the weather is nice. Decorate easter eggs and look for eggs around the house an yard. This year shoud be super fun with hidding all the eggs throughout the property! If you still have to make some Easter baskets, check out my Candy-Free Easter Basket ideas or my Healthy Easter Recipe Blog Post  For this months Recipe Redux, we were challenged to share our favorite family recipes for springtime celebrations.   My Mom makes an amazing Carrot Cake! My kids…

  • Happy St. Patty’s Day

    Happy St. Patty’s Day!  I love St. Patty’s day! Do you wear GREEN? Last year my family and I were in Mexico on Spring Break! Wishing we were there right now but enjoying some time at home with the family.  Here’s a new twist on a green smoothie for you, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. I love a good green smoothie made with fresh greens, and fruit. You really can get creative with your smoothies and add different greens, fruits, and nuts. Just don’t add sugar or overdo it with the fruit. Plus, it’s so pretty and delicious!   I’ve also been adding a scoop of collagen powder…

  • brownie cookies on a cookie sheet

    Keto Brownie Cookies

    Keto Brownies Cookies  “I received free samples of Swerve mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Swerve and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.” Keto Brownie Cookies! Over the weekend I was recipe testing. And, not just any recipe I was testing Brownies!! Yep, My kids were in Heaven! I made a batch and it was good but they were a bit crummy. My goal was to make these Paleo, Keto and gluten-free as well as use this new sugar that I received Swerve. Swerve is a delicious natural sweetener that measures cup-for-cup just like…

  • Today’s BOGO! Buy a bottle of AromaTouch and get Marjoram for FREE!!!

    Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having an amazing day I got my IHF Fit Club Love You Body Workout In this morning! Have you worked out yet?? DAY TWO of BOGO Week! Today, February 21st, you can snag this amazing deal until midnight MST tonight! How to Use Today’s BOGO oils:     1) AROMATOUCH AromaTouch, doTERRA’s proprietary massage blend, combines the unique benefits of oils known to provide relaxing and comforting effects. AromaTouch combines our essential oils of Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit, and Lavender essential oils in a perfect blend that adds many important benefits to various massage techniques. This popular blend is a vital part of the doTERRA AromaTouch…

  • Zucchini Bread on a wooden cutting board

    Paleo Zucchini Bread

    Paleo Zucchini Bread I love zucchini bread but traditionally made it can have up to 3 cups of sugar! Yikes!!! For this months February  The Recipe Redux Challenge we were challenged to make some bread! I went to my freezer to see what I had on hand to use to make some delicious bread. I found several frozen packages of zucchini from our garden! Score! I love zucchini bread and so does my family. The next challenge was banana I was all out of fresh bananas and then I remembered I have frozen a few for my morning smoothies. I quickly defrosted them. I place the bags of zucchini and banana into…

  • Pistachios heart healthy

    Wonderful Pistachio Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts

    Wonderful Pistachio Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts   “I received free samples of Wonderful Pistachios mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Wonderful Pistachios and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.” Kitchen Love for Heart-Smart Wonderful Pistachios Sponsored by Wonderful Pistachios #getcrackin I love bacon and brussels sprouts and then when you add heart-healthy pistachios from Wonderful Pistachios it truly tops the dish!!!   This delicious side dish has it all healthy fats, protein, and greens. What more could you ask for? Do you like Brussel sprouts? I used to think I…

  • Cyber Monday Sale!!!

    Happy Cyber Monday!!! It’s CYBER MONDAY! Today ONLY I am offering my IHF Fit Club Membership for $1!! Use Promo Code: CYBERMONDAY17 at check out!!    Remember you have always been beautiful you are just deciding to be healthier, fitter and stronger! Will you join us? We’re about grace, not guilt. We are striving to bridge a gap in the fitness and self-love industries. There is a way to love and make peace with your body, while also striving to make positive changes. And there is a way to embrace your unique shape while sculpting new muscles and refining that shape into one that is happy, healthy, and strong. Join…

  • BOGO Essential Oils

    Happy Sunday! BOGO Essential Oil Special Have you completed today’s Planksgiving Challenge?  I am so excited! Tommorrow (Monday, November 20th, 2017) starts day 1 of the BOGO Essential Oil Special!!! I use my essential oils every day. It took me a while to build my stash, and I am still in the process of building it up even more.  One thing that has made the process easier, is cashing in on free oils whenever I can. I started using essential oils a year ago this month! My family has experienced some great benefits from using them. Helps with my son’s anxiety, helps us focus and stay on task, boost our immune systems, helps us…

  • Gratitude

    Gratitude I love this time of year!! I truly am so very Thankful for you!! “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”― Marcel Proust Thanksgiving is a special tradition filled with family, friends, lots of food and alcohol. You can enjoy your Thanksgiving while accomplishing your weight loss and health goals, all while enjoy your favorite holiday foods. No need to worry. There is a way to enjoy your Thanksgiving and still keep your nutrition and fitness goals. Did you know that the average person will consume approximately 2500-3000 additional calories during the Thanksgiving eat-a-thon? I’ve put…

  • Butternut Squash Soup

    Healthy Butternut Squash & Apple Soup  Fall is here and in full swing! Time for soups and warm delicious meals. Today is November 1st! I can’t believe it! Can you? Our gardening has almost come to an end for this year. Which is bittersweet! I won’t miss weeding our large garden!  But I will miss grabbing some fresh veggies right from our garden. Now I just go downstairs to our large freezer for all the prepped and frozen garden veggies.  I just have a few herbs and kale that are still doing great. This year, we decided to grow butternut squash. After making this soup I am so thankful we decided…

  • Planksgiving 2017

    Planksgiving 2017 Challenge!!! Its that awesome time of year again! Time for our 3rd year of Planksgiving! I love this challenge and it has been a huge hit each year growing more and more. Well, the holidays are right around the corner. Let’s stay fit this holiday season. Do you if you want to work on your abs? Tone, slim, reveal your 6 pack?? Then this PLANKSGIVING 30 Day PLANK CHALLENGE is for you…. Are you in?? Please join us for 30 days of plank challenge starting NOVEMBER 1st!!! I will send you photos and descriptions each day for 30 days that you can easily perform each plank variations anywhere! So…

  • pumpkin bread

    Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Zucchini Bread

    Hello Fall! Which also means its Pumpkin Season!! Try this yummy clean and gluten-free chocolate pumpkin bread. This would be perfect for breakfast paired with eggs and bacon. When you buy Chocolate chips look for the highest Cacao 60% or higher. Stay away from milk chocolate its full of added sugar. cacao vs cocoa Cacao: Chocolate is derived from the cacao plant, which grows pods. When those pods are cracked open, inside there’s a seed that looks a bit like a coffee bean. Jackpot. That’s the cacao bean. Raw, it tastes like a very bitter version of chocolate, and the flavor profile can be different based on the variety of plant,…

  • Fitabulous Fall Challenge

    Hello, October!!!   Can you believe it’s already October? I love Fall and everything it offers!! The fam and I will be decorating our house for Fall and Halloween today!! Yay! When do you start decorating? With a new month also means time for a new challenge? Will you join us?   IHF Fit Club an Online Gym!    Fat burning, muscle building workouts every month, healthy recipes, tips and tools to help you with all your fitness goals.   Do you feel like you have no time to workout? Or go to the gym?  Have no energy? No problem! This membership is for you! I’m a busy Mom so…

  • Back To School

    Back to School!   Well, it that time of year again. Kids are headed back to SCHOOL! Or the “S” Word according to my kids. Do you dread it or celebrate them going back to school? I have mixed feelings each year. I don’t like that I don’t get to be with them all day but on the other hand, I get the opportunity to focus a bit more on my fitness and property management business.  I think the older they get the easier it gets to send them back to school. This year my kids are going into the 5th and 8th grade. Where does the time go? Seems like…

  • Super Detox Salad

    Super Detox Salad   This salad tastes amazing! And who doesn’t like a clean healthy anti-inflammatory detox? =) This super detox salad is full of health benefits.   Let’s talk about the dressing ingredients.   Apple Cider Vinegar:  Can help acid reflux, lower blood pressure, improve diabetes and support weight loss. The benefits of apple cider vinegar come from its powerful healing compounds, which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics, and enzymes. Turmeric  Turmeric is a powerful spice with an impressive list of uses and benefits. It’s known for its antioxidant content and ability to work as an anti-inflammatory. This common culinary spice is prized in many cuisines around the world and…

  • Craving Junk Food

    Do you crave junk food?   We’ve all been there! These cravings come and go but do they actually mean something? Cravings can come at any time but do I dare say it!? During that lovely time of the month can be a bit challenging. Our hormones are going crazy! Which often leads to craving and binge on junk. I have put together some tips to help you eliminate those PMS cravings! But it doesn’t just have to be that time of the month when our hormones are out of balance our body naturally craves nutrients that we are lacking. But our bodies can get a bit confused and when…