12 Days of Christmas Cookie Series
I just love this time of year! Holiday parties, driving around looking at Christmas light, Christmas movies, time for giving… I have a new series starting my Christmas gift to you. It’s 12 Days Christmas Cookie Series I have 12 recipes coming your way. And they are paleo, grain-free, refined sugar-free and totally and completely full of delicious flavor. These are perfect for anything Christmas desserts. A cookie exchange, cooking with the kids, holiday parties, Christmas Eve night, Cookies for Santa. Anything! 12 Days of Christmas Cookie Series If there is a time to make a lot of cookies, it is Christmas time! And it feels so good to be in the kitchen in December…
With the holiday season, along comes cold and flu season. Take charge and boost your immune system with Vital Proteins’ Beef and Chicken Bone Broth Collagen Powders. Your family will thank you! 2 PRODUCTS TO HELP YOU STAY HEALTHY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON What is Bone Broth Collagen Powder? Vital Proteins’ Bone Broth Collagen Powder is crafted with USDA Organic bones that are simmered slowly to extract the maximum amount of nutrients. The bones are either sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised cattle or free-range chickens and offer 9g of protein. Vital Proteins Beef and Chicken Bone Broth Collagen powders are the first of their kind. USDA Organic Grass-fed/free-range Dehydrated using low temperature, patented technology Naturally…
Meal Planning Sunday #7
Happy December!!! Welcome to week 7 of our Meal Planning Sunday! Wow! Are you enjoying this series? I hope it is helping you plan your meals out! Copy my menu each week or create your own! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) Here we go! Monday Garlic Butter Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce Pan-Seared Garlic Butter Steak & Mushroom Cream Sauce is a perfect dinner for any occasion! The ultimate steak recipe on your table in less…
Gratitude 7 Day Challenge
???Who is up for doing this with me?! This mini-challenge will improve your mood, mental & physical health, boost your self-esteem, and even help you sleep better! And… it’ll only take 1- 2 minutes every day. Are you in?! I thought so! Grab a pen and piece of paper … it’s time for the “Gratitude 7” Challenge. For the next seven days, as soon as you wake up, take 1-2 minutes to write down 1 sentence about something you’re grateful for using the themes below. JUST 1 SENTENCE. It is amazing how just a few minutes can totally change your perspective. MONDAY: Your BodyTUESDAY: Someone you care aboutWEDNESDAY: Something about…
Meal Planning Sunday #6
Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! Wow! Week 6 already!!! Are you enjoying this series? I hope it is helping you plan your meals out! Copy my menu each week or create your own! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) Here we go! Monday Cajun Garlic Butter Bites Rеаdу іn undеr 10 mіnutеѕ wіthоut аnу mаrіnаtіng nееdеd, thеѕе Cаjun Butter Stеаk Bіtеѕ аrе a ԛuісk and еаѕу fаmіlу fаvоurіtе Tuesday Taco Tuesday! Well, it’s another Taco Tuesday!!!…
Meal Planning Sunday #5
Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) And my hope…
Meal Planning Sunday #4
Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) And my hope…
Fall Into Fitness Challenge
Hello November!! With a new month, coming means time for a new challenge? Will you join us? Are you ready for a fun and exciting new challenge?! Join me for a free 21 Day Challenge and get access to over 800+ workouts to stream, a sample meal plan, and a workout calendar! Plus – I will be supporting you each step of the way in our private accountability group. FOR THIS CHALLENGE WE’LL BE USING LES MILLS ON DEMAND FOR OUR WORKOUTS! LES MILLS ONDEMAND! Fat burning, muscle building workouts every month, healthy recipes, tips and tools to help you with all your fitness goals. Do you feel like you have…
Meal Planning Sunday #3
Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) And my hope…
Planksgiving 2019
Planksgiving 2019 Challenge!!! Its that time of year again! Time for our 5th year of Planksgiving! I love this challenge and it has been a huge hit each year growing more and more. Well, the holidays are right around the corner. Let’s stay fit this holiday season. Do you want to work on your abs? Tone, slim, reveal your 6 pack?? Then this PLANKSGIVING 30 Day PLANK CHALLENGE is for you… Are you in?? Please join us for 30 days of plank challenge starting NOVEMBER 1st!!! I will send you photos and descriptions each day for 30 days that you can easily perform each plank variations anywhere! So what is the …
Meal Planning Sunday #2
Welcome to another Meal Planning Sunday! I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possible! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Not on my list yet!? Sign Up Here! =) And my hope…
Taco Tuesday
Best Taco’s!! Taco Tuesday is a favorite meal in our house! Ever since the Lego Movie came out we have dedicated every Tuesday to TACO TUESDAY!! Have you seen that movie? Its a fav in our house. This taco meat is so simple to make and perfect for loading up on soft or hard shell tacos and topping with all your favorites! What is the best meat to use for Taco Meat? The best meat to use for taco meat is simple grass-fed ground beef, a 70-80% lean. We personally in our house use Elk, Deer or Moose meat depending on what we have on hand. What spices are in…
Meal Planning Sunday #1
Welcome to Meal Planning Sunday! I am so excited to bring this new series to my blog! This is a new way for me to keep myself accountable in the meal planning each week! And I hope it will help you plan your meals out as well! Copy my menu each week or create your own! Each Sunday I will be posting healthy and EASY meals that will get us all in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible. As a busy Mom of two, I want to make these plans as kid-friendly as possibly! If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as…
Healthy Halloween Treats
Spooky and sweet, salty and scary: These snacks are perfect for Halloween! Halloween is just around the corner! I have put together a healthy Halloween treat around up! What are your favorite Halloween Treats? Do you like candy corn? YES OR NO? This is a hot topic! Halloween Frankenstein Grape Cups These Frankenstein grape cups are quick and easy! Your kids will love to help make them. Just decorate clear plastic cups and fill with grapes. Cutie Pumpkins and Banana Ghosts! Cute and easy to make! Peel and cut a banana in half put some peanut butter onto 3 raisins or mini chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth. Peel…
21 DAYS TO A FITTER, STRONGER, HEALTHIER YOU. Looking for a new challenge, or a fresh way to kick-start your fitness again? Bring the focus back to your own self-care and challenge yourself to three weeks of strength, cardio, flexibility, and mindfulness. Enjoy 21 days creating a fitter, stronger, and healthier you. WHY 21 DAYS? Three weeks is an excellent amount of time to try different workouts and evaluate your new exercise routine. Over 21 days you’ll become comfortable with the different workout formats and gain an insight into the time of day and space in your home that works best for you. Most importantly, you’ll shift beyond the awkward…
Healthy Sleep
We all know how important it is to get plenty of sleep but we also know that we are not all getting all the Zzz’s we need. Sleep is important! Sleep deprivation impairs your judgment, makes the body retain fat, your body is unable to repair properly from training, and you can increase the chances of early Alzheimer’s. Tip for better sleep! Create a restful environment Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep. I…
FREE 21 Day Les Mills OnDemand Challenge!
Are you ready for a fun and exciting new challenge?! Join me for a free 21 Day Challenge and get access to over 800+ workouts to stream, a sample meal plan, and workout calendar! Plus – I will be supporting you each step of the way in our private accountability group. You might even win a prize!! Yay! This challenge is going to be a bit different from my other challenges I’ve done before! I think you are going to love it! FOR THIS CHALLENGE WE’LL BE USING LES MILLS ON DEMAND FOR OUR WORKOUTS! I have partnered with Les Mills On Demand! They have generously given me a special…
Wow is it really August already! This summer is flying by! My kids are back in school! Jack is starting his Sophmore year and Gillian is a 7th grader this year. July was our no spend month you can read about it here. I am so glad we did this it was very rewarding plus we saved a lot of money. With a new month and the challenge over we still don’t want to overspend this month just because it’s no longer a no spend month. That would almost defeat the purpose of the challenge last month. With that said it is a month we do have to spend a…