Set Up Your Ultimate Home Workout Space.
Ready to create the perfect home workout space? From choosing the right equipment to maximizing small spaces, this guide covers everything you need to set up a functional, inspiring fitness area. Get organized, stay motivated, and bring the gym to your home with simple tips for all budgets!
Make Your Bed!
Transform your daily routine with the simple act of making your bed! Discover the surprising benefits of this small task, from boosting productivity and reducing stress to creating a tidier living space. Dive into the power of routine and discipline, and unlock a happier, more organized lifestyle. Elevate your mornings and set the tone for success with a beautifully made bed every day. Explore the magic of this everyday ritual and start your journey to a more serene and productive life!
How To Use Essential Oils Throughout The Home
Essential oils may be great for aromatherapy, but can they really be used to help clean your home? In fact, lemon, tea tree, rosemary, lavender, and peppermint essential oils are all naturally antibacterial, whereas many more, like orange, pine, and eucalyptus, are often major ingredients in less-natural cleaning products. For me, the initial purchase of a bunch of essential oils was absolutely worth it; only a few drops are ever used at once, and they have plenty of uses around the home. Here are just a few of the ways you can clean and freshen your house with them.
Tips for Taking a Virtual Fitness Class
Discover essential tips for maximizing your virtual fitness class experience. Learn how to set up your space, stay motivated, and get the most out of online workouts.
How to use a Foam Roller
Foam rolling is a great way to loosen up anything that becomes tight from your workouts (or from life). Keeping muscles loose keeps you performing optimally and prevents injury.
30 Days of The Carnivore Diet: My Journey, Benefits, and Daily Eats
Curious about the carnivore diet? 🌱➡️🥩 I just finished 30 days eating only animal products, and I’m sharing all the details on my blog! Learn about the benefits, anti-nutrient effects of veggies, and a day-in-the-life meal plan, plus tips to get started. Ready to dive into the world of zero-carb eating? Check out my journey! #CarnivoreDiet #ZeroCarb #HealthJourney #FitnessGoals #LiveSimplyWithKristin
Why Fat Doesn’t Make You FAT!
If you're concerned eating fat will make you fat, think again!
Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting for Women
Ever wonder what intermittent fasting is? You actually might be doing intermittent fasting naturally without even knowing it!
5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best
5 Weekly Habits to Feeling Your Best! Summer is almost here. I want to share some of my top tips to refresh and feel your best!
LES MILLS Fuel Nutrition Rest
Join me for the Les Mills Fuel Reset I know that nutrition is a hot topic that so many of you want to focus more on. So we are super excited to be talking about food with you! Perhaps you feel that the way you’re eating is letting you down? Maybe you think you’d get better results if you started making smarter food choices? Now’s your chance to make a change. Follow this six-week nutrition reset and you’ll discover nutritious and joyful eating. You’ll find the foods that suit you best. And in just six weeks you’ll be feeling happier, more satisfied and more energized. This program gives you: Weekly…
Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
Okay, have you tried taking a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)? Yuck! I could never do it. I have known for several years the amazing benefits of ACV. When I saw there was a gummy I was so excited and got myself a bottle! I’ve been hooked ever since! I haven’t been taking them very long but have already seen some benefits! The main benefit I’m noticing is less bloating! A couple of days ago I was feeling sluggish and wondered why??? Then I remembered I had forgotten to take my Goli Gummy that morning. That was my first realization that these have been helping my energy level! Save…
Why Women Should Lift Weights!
Lifting can seem intimidating, especially in a gym where the weight section. Do you fear heavy lifting? And worry it will make them look like bulky? Major Benefits of Strength Training Added strength, confidence, stronger bones, fat burn, and weight loss, better athletic performance, and fewer injuries. It’s a win-win-win-win. Get Stronger Who doesn’t want to be stronger!? One of the benefits of lifting weights is getting stronger. And, most important to building stronger muscles is to lift heavy weights. Lifting light weights is great for muscle endurance, but lifting heavier weights real actually builds strength. By lifting heavy weights and compound exercises like deadlifts, rows, and squats. Getting stronger…
Master Your Metabolism
C H A N G E S T A R T S W I T H Y O U ! Change Starts Here! Our lifelong health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness. While some of these variables are beyond our complete control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways we can influence—and even control— significant factors of aging and wellness. A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally, and dōTERRA’s proprietary line of…
Master Your Metabolism
Join us for a 5 day educational event coming January 21st to the 25th! You will learn some of dōTERRA’s key products to Master Your Metabolism! (Goodness knows I need it after the holidays!) January 1st I will share with you what products you need to order to be set on January 21st! Are you in? Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough RecipeKristin McConnellHi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing husband and a Mom of two fabulous kids. I love gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping and baking sourdough bread!
SpŌIL Yourself With doTERRA
Hi Friends! I am excited to share with you my team and I are hosting a SpŌil Yourself With doTERRA oils Facebook Event!! September 10-14! I am looking to send FREE oils to people who have never used doTERRA oils or who are interested in using them in their daily life. I will send you SIX different product samples to try for FREE. Yay!!! You will be added to our private Facebook group where my leaders and I will teach you all about these oils and products and answer any questions you have in a Facebook Live each day. Comment below or Message me if you would like me to…
Tune Up Your Body Challenge Day 3
Tune Your Body Challenge Day 3!! Are you ready? How did yesterday go? Did you try something new with Copiaba? If you missed Day 2 you can check it out here. Day 3 Tune Up Body Challenge Day 3 Today is all about OnGuard Sanitizing Spray! I love this stuff and have it at my desk, in my purse, by the chicken coop it’s everywhere!! +Use OnGuard Sanitizing Mist on a Public Toilet seat before using it +Spray down the lunch table at school or work before eating +Spray grocery shopping cart! Description doTERRA On Guard Touch provides a gentle and convenient application method for doTERRA’s proprietary On Guard essential oil…
Tune Up Your Body Challenge Day 2
Tune Your Body Challenge Day 2!! Are you ready? How did yesterday go? Did you try something new with Oregano? If you missed Day 1 you can check it out here. +Add copaiba to your facial care routine (anti-aging moisturizer, hydrating cream, verage, tightening serum, Brightening Gel) .The oil helps reduce the inflammation in the cells allowing your skin to glow and also boost the immune system from our largest organ- the skin.Added benefit- copaiba reduces the appearance of blemishes +Put copaiba to shampoo and conditioner to give your scalp & brain an added boost. Oleoresins act as a neuroprotective. +Add a drop of Copaiba to your Onguard Toothpaste or…
What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?
What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health? Increase energy A decrease in high blood pressure Blood sugar and insulin levels can drop within 3-5 days Free-Floating fats (triglycerides) can drop C-Reactive protein, the maker inflammation, can drop HDL (the healthy cholesterol) can rise Diabetes risks can drop by half Decreased sleep apnea Reduced symptoms of joint disease-easier to move Decrease risk of heart disease Decreased incidence of GERD and Acid Reflux Decrease the risk of several cancers Decreased stress Increased self-esteem Clothes fit better Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough RecipeKristin McConnellHi!! I’m Kristin McConnell, I am so glad you are here! I am a wife to my amazing…