Energizing Protein Balls
There are several ways you can make these protein ball. I want to make these as healthy as I can and without preservatives and other unwanted food additives. I made this batch with home Made peanut butter. Yum!! Homemade Peanut Butter My kids LOVE these delicious protein balls. So I wanted to share them with you! They are great for parties, dessert, a quick pick me up snack. Peanut Butter Protein Balls Makes 48 cookies 1 Cup Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, or Seed Butter 2/3 cup raw honey or agave 2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup flax meal 2 cups oats (use Gluten Free oats if needed) 1 cup Vanilla…
Crunchy Cashew Thai Quinoa Salad
Banana Nut Bread
Crunchy Cashew Thai Quinoa Salad
This is a delicious salad. Add chicken to make it a main dish.
Healthy Spring Food
Spring is here! Summer is just around the corner! The days are getting longer, the air is getting refresher, and everyone seems to be in a good mood. This changing of the season marks a time for all things to come alive and experience renewal. During this time of renewal, allow fresh healthy Spring foods to crowd out unhealthy food & unhealthy habits. Simply eating more of the fresh foods you’ll find at your local market will gradually crowd out any lingering rich or heavy foods until you no longer desire those anyway. To help you embrace the season, I’ve put together a list of spring foods and how…
Why Hire a Personal Trainer
There are so much information online, free workouts, free recipes, and nutrition advice. Why hire a personal trainer? Can you loose weight and get healthy without a trainer? Sure you can and I’m sure you would do fabulous. Below are my top reasons why you should higher a personal trainer. 1. Motivation Perhaps the single, biggest benefit of hiring a trainer is motivation. On your own, people lose motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. A Certified fitness trainer can provide structure, direction, accountability as well as be a friend who is interested in helping you succeed. 2. Individualized program Everyone’s body is different and we all carry…
Toned Legs Challenge
Are you ready to get your legs in shape?? Come join us for a 30 Day Toned Legs Challenge! Let’s make this challenge the biggest challenge yet!!! Please Invite your friends and family!!! How To Accept the Challenge: 1. Click Here going to this event on FACEBOOK and invite your friends. Accountability is key! SHARE SHARE SHARE!! 2.) Click the link to receive your Toned Legs Challenge straight to your inbox: http://eepurl.com/bisgGT 3.) Like Innovative Health & Fitness https://www.facebook.com/innovativehealthandfitnesscoach I HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME! Kristin
8 Ways to BOOST YOUR MOTIVATION to Work Out More!
“Don’t wish for it WORK for it!” Are you in need of some motivation to start a new workout routine or to stay on track with your health goals. Here are my eight tip to boost your motivation to workout more! Let’s get motivated to workout more, get moving and getting healthy. 1.) Envision that post workout “high” I just love that post workout feeling! Don’t you? You know there is only one way to get it. Ready. Set. GO!!! 2.) Set realistic fitness goals. Divide bigger aspirations into smaller checkpoints. Making each a triumph of their own. 3.) Visual Goal Hang a picture of yourself at your goal…
I don’t have time to workout!
I just don’t have time to workout! Is this you? Have you said this in the past? I have heard this statement many times from a wide verity of people. In this day and age, we are generally busier than in previous years. We have work to do, kids to take care of, dinner to make, sports, kids activities…….I know I’m right there with you. Being a Mom of 2 active kids in multiple after school activities, running my own business. There are many reasons why we just don’t have time to work out. Here are my top 5 tips to fit in exercise in our busy schedule. 1.) While Brushing your teeth!…
Crunchy Cashew Thai Quinoa Salad
What’s for dinner? Do you hear this every evening and then not sure how to answer? Do you struggle with figuring out what to make for dinner every week? It’s so easy to just grab something quick or order take out. Try this quick and easy healthy clean Crunchy Cashew Thai Salad. This dish will surprise your whole family. Make a double batch and freeze for another meal. I made this last week for my family and they just loved it. I added grilled chicken to the recipe to make it a main dish. You can also leave out the chicken and serve it as a side. You can also sub in fish, tofu or…
Crunchy Cashew Thai Quinoa Salad
Banana Nut Bread
I just made these banana nut bread bars this morning. They are so good. My kids will get to enjoy these delicious bars today after school. I don’t know about you but my family loves bananas but we can always eat them fast enough before they turn brown. This recipe is a great way to use up those brown or very ripe bananas. Most banana breads are loaded with lots of sugar. This version is healthier then the normal banana nut bread. Made with less fat and crabs. This bread is also higher in protein. You can sub cottage cheese instead of Greek yogurt.
Banana Nut Bread
Arm Challenge
Are you ready to get your Arms in shape for Spring? My Arm Challenge with help you get ready for tank tops and bikini season. With these day arm exercises you can tone and build muscle that will make you feel confident this Spring and Summer. Come join me for my 31 Day Arm Challenge! Let’s make this challenge the biggest challenge yet!!! Please Invite your friends and family!!! How To Join the Challenge: 1.) Click the link to receive your Arm Challenge straight to your inbox: Arm Challenge Sign Up Email Address First Name 2.) Join the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/663535143774354/ 3.) Like Innovative Health…
Love Your Abs Challenge
Come join us for a Love Your Abs Challenge! Summer will be here before we know it! And you know what our Bikini bodies are made in the winter NOT in the summer! You are on the right track starting so early!! How To join the Challenge: Love Your Abs Challenge Sign up Here: Email: Name: 3.) Like Innovative Health & Fitness 4.) Join Our Event on Facebook here: Love Your Abs Facebook Event I really hope you will join me in this challenge! I had a great time with the squat challenge! See you soon, Kristin
Football Party!
Wow! Can you believe that the Biggest Football Game is this weekend?! Are you having a big football party? Parties to go to and of course lots of delicious food. But what should we be eating? Below are a few of my favorite healthy waist line friendly football party appetizers. They have been husband and kid approved. Cauliflower Buffalo Wings: These are so good. You can make any flavor wings you want. We have made Honey BBQ just watch what kind of BBQ sauce you get. Try to get a low sugar without High Fructose Corn Syrup. Get the Recipe Here Sweet Potatoes Avocado Bits *** I love…
Personal Training
Hey Fort Collins, Are you looking to make fitness and nutrition changes in 2015 but not sure where to start? Looking for a personal trainer? Innovative Health & Fitness is now Excepting New Clients! Let me help you with an individualized program designed just for you to help you reach your personal fitness goals. Your program will include nutritional guidance, offer the newest and innovated fitness programs around. I will personally work with you one on one in the privacy of your own home. Initial Consultation/Fitness Assessment is included. I am a certified Personal Trainer with a specialty in Fitness Nutrition. I have a passion for helping…
My Tips on Setting Goals
Happy New Year! What do you want to accomplish in 2015? Did you know that only 8% of people complete their new years resolutions!!! Maybe this year instead of making a resolution we set small goals for ourselves, or at least to set a realistic resolution. What are your goals for this coming year? Here are a few tips on setting goals. BE REALISTIC: You can always add and increase your goals as you meet them. If we set goals that are to far out of your reach you are more likely to give up. A good goal should stretch you but not pull you way over your comfort zone. COMMIT Commit yourself…