Picnic Season
Its that time of year! Picnic Season! Did you know that April 23rd is National Picnic Day?! I am hoping the weather will be nice so we can have a picnic dinner on National Picnic Day! I have always enjoyed a good picnic from driving up to the mountains to a backyard picnic with my kids. When my husband and first started dating we went on a lot of fun picnics, we would drive somewhere preferably in the mountains and where there was a lake, river or stream so Ryan could get a little fishing in. What are your favorite picnic dishes you like to make? Here is a quick and…
What is Collagen?
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links from which I will earn a commission. What is Collagen? You have heard me talk about collagen and probably seen me add it to my coffee of my InstaStories . I started to use collagen for a couple reasons. It adds a great source of protein to whatever you add it too, it helps promote healthy hair. My hair was falling out like crazy! It was all over the house, I never had any bald spots but if I would comb my hair with my hands I would have a handful of hair. Since I’vestartedd using Collagen mainly in my morning coffee I have seen…
What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health?
What Could Losing 15 Pounds do for your Health? Increase energy A decrease in high blood pressure Blood sugar and insulin levels can drop within 3-5 days Free-Floating fats (triglycerides) can drop C-Reactive protein, the maker inflammation, can drop HDL (the healthy cholesterol) can rise Diabetes risks can drop by half Decreased sleep apnea Reduced symptoms of joint disease-easier to move Decrease risk of heart disease Decreased incidence of GERD and Acid Reflux Decrease the risk of several cancers Decreased stress Increased self-esteem Clothes fit better Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting Easter is almost here! What are your plans and traditions for Easter? We usually do Easter brunch with the family and then we go for a hike if the weather is nice. Decorate easter eggs and look for eggs around the house an yard. This year shoud be super fun with hidding all the eggs throughout the property! If you still have to make some Easter baskets, check out my Candy-Free Easter Basket ideas or my Healthy Easter Recipe Blog Post For this months Recipe Redux, we were challenged to share our favorite family recipes for springtime celebrations. My Mom makes an amazing Carrot Cake! My kids…
Carport Remodel
We turned out carport into a garage and shop! www.livesimplywithkristin.com
Happy St. Patty’s Day
Happy St. Patty’s Day! I love St. Patty’s day! Do you wear GREEN? Last year my family and I were in Mexico on Spring Break! Wishing we were there right now but enjoying some time at home with the family. Here’s a new twist on a green smoothie for you, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. I love a good green smoothie made with fresh greens, and fruit. You really can get creative with your smoothies and add different greens, fruits, and nuts. Just don’t add sugar or overdo it with the fruit. Plus, it’s so pretty and delicious! I’ve also been adding a scoop of collagen powder…
Greenhouse Demo
Greenhouse Demo Greenhouse Before Lot so fun things have been going on around the new house! We started to demo the old greenhouse! I really wanted to save it! The idea of having a greenhouse just excites me so much! But unfortunately, the greenhouse that was here was not savable. We considered fixing it up or even turning it into a chicken coop but the wood was just too rotten. So it had to come down! This was a fun family filled day! And let me tell you a fantastic workout!! I was feeling it the next day! We tried to save and recycle as much as we could but…
Keto Brownie Cookies
Keto Brownies Cookies “I received free samples of Swerve mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Swerve and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.” Keto Brownie Cookies! Over the weekend I was recipe testing. And, not just any recipe I was testing Brownies!! Yep, My kids were in Heaven! I made a batch and it was good but they were a bit crummy. My goal was to make these Paleo, Keto and gluten-free as well as use this new sugar that I received Swerve. Swerve is a delicious natural sweetener that measures cup-for-cup just like…
March, the month of renewal!
Welcome to the month of March, the month of renewal! The dandelions and the early buds of spring are a welcomed sign this month. Winter, the season that forces us to slow down and rest, is coming to a close and many of us are feeling the beginning signs of new life all around. Limited Time Offers: Aspire & One Essential Oils It seems that everyone, including the doTERRA Leprechaun who added in his special green oil, is celebrating the surprise arrival of 2 limited time oils that you can purchase this month! For a limited time only, you can get Aspire blend and One blend through your membership…
Today’s BOGO! Buy a bottle of Cardamom and get Cilantro for FREE!!!
DAY THREE of BOGO Week and with today’s BOGO oils, you can whip up a Chai Latte or some homemade guacamole!! Today’s BOGO is available until midnight MST tonight! How to Use Today’s BOGO oils: THURSDAY’S BOGO! Buy CARDAMOM (5ml) for $26 and get CILANTRO (15mL) for $26 for free!!!!! (SKU #49350001) That’s two amazing oils for just $26.00 wholesale. This offer will be available until midnight (MST) tonight! How to Use Today’s BOGO oils: 1) CARDAMOM is a close relative to Ginger and known as an expensive cooking spice and for being beneficial to the digestive system in a variety of ways. Cardamom is commonly used internally to…
Today’s BOGO! Buy a bottle of AromaTouch and get Marjoram for FREE!!!
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having an amazing day I got my IHF Fit Club Love You Body Workout In this morning! Have you worked out yet?? DAY TWO of BOGO Week! Today, February 21st, you can snag this amazing deal until midnight MST tonight! How to Use Today’s BOGO oils: 1) AROMATOUCH AromaTouch, doTERRA’s proprietary massage blend, combines the unique benefits of oils known to provide relaxing and comforting effects. AromaTouch combines our essential oils of Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit, and Lavender essential oils in a perfect blend that adds many important benefits to various massage techniques. This popular blend is a vital part of the doTERRA AromaTouch…
Paleo Zucchini Bread
Paleo Zucchini Bread I love zucchini bread but traditionally made it can have up to 3 cups of sugar! Yikes!!! For this months February The Recipe Redux Challenge we were challenged to make some bread! I went to my freezer to see what I had on hand to use to make some delicious bread. I found several frozen packages of zucchini from our garden! Score! I love zucchini bread and so does my family. The next challenge was banana I was all out of fresh bananas and then I remembered I have frozen a few for my morning smoothies. I quickly defrosted them. I place the bags of zucchini and banana into…
Today’s BOGO! Buy a bottle of Peace and get Balance for FREE!!!
Happy Tuesday! I hope you are having an amazing start to your day! Today’s BOGO! Buy a bottle of Peace and get Balance for FREE!!! It’s BOGO time and doTERRA is kicking this amazing week off with a BANG! Today, February 20th, you can snag this amazing deal until midnight MST tonight! How BOGOs work for current users: ● Each deal will be available until midnight. ● You can order up to 5 BOGO specials per account. Go to www.doterra.com and enter your Member ID XXXXXXX and password. ● BOGO orders may be LRP or standard online orders! ● Simply add Peace to your cart and Balance will automatically be added. Or use the SKU #31710001. ● Choose…
No Grocery Shopping!
No Grocery Shopping! Back in November my husband Ryan and I decided we were spending way too much at the grocery store each week. When we had 3 freezers full of wild game and frozen vegetables from our garden. Why were we spending so much at the grocery store when we had plenty of food and even homemade ready to go meals I had froze. First thing was first we organized the three freezers. It was amazing what we found and honestly we probably didn’t even need to go to Costco to stock up on anything we could survive and thrive on all the food we had! Freezer #1 Upright Freezer:…
Fit Friday- Self Care
Fit Friday- Self Care During this month our I wanted to focus today on Self-Care. I am all about nourishing our minds and bodies from the inside out. What Do We Mean by ‘Self-Care’?Self-care can mean any number of things, but sometimes it can be mistaken for self-indulgence. This is far from the truth: While self-care can definitely feel indulgent, it’s nothing to be ashamed of! In reality, the majority of us take too little time for our own self-care. It doesn’t mean expensive spa days or “me time” at the mall (though it very well may take those forms if it feels right). Rather, self-care is about ensuring that you get all…
Wonderful Pistachio Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts
Related posts:Butter Garlic Herb Sourdough Recipe
Wonderful Pistachio Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts
Wonderful Pistachio Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts “I received free samples of Wonderful Pistachios mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Wonderful Pistachios and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.” Kitchen Love for Heart-Smart Wonderful Pistachios Sponsored by Wonderful Pistachios #getcrackin I love bacon and brussels sprouts and then when you add heart-healthy pistachios from Wonderful Pistachios it truly tops the dish!!! This delicious side dish has it all healthy fats, protein, and greens. What more could you ask for? Do you like Brussel sprouts? I used to think I…
My Favorite Kitchen Tool~ Instant Pot
My Favorite Kitchen Tool ~Instant Pot My favorite kitchen tool as of right now is my Instant Pot! I had been wanting an InstaPot for a while. Watching all my fav Instagrammers Insta stories with all their quick and easy recipes. I just had to have one! =) My wonderful MIL gave me one for Christmas! With us moving shortly after Christmas I didn’t even open the box until a week after we moved into our new place. I have full intention to using this wonderful product at least once a week, If not more. It really is super easy to use. The first recipe I made using my InstantPot…