Amazon Prime Day July 16-17, 2024
Amazon Prime Day July 16-17, 2024 Lots of amazing deals! https://amzn.to/4bOeUkW
Homemade Tortilla
Homemade Tortillas are so easy & delicious that once you make these you’ll never go back to store-bought tortillas again.
Make Your Bed!
Transform your daily routine with the simple act of making your bed! Discover the surprising benefits of this small task, from boosting productivity and reducing stress to creating a tidier living space. Dive into the power of routine and discipline, and unlock a happier, more organized lifestyle. Elevate your mornings and set the tone for success with a beautifully made bed every day. Explore the magic of this everyday ritual and start your journey to a more serene and productive life!
How to Make a Sourdough Starter from Scratch Without Discarding: A Step-by-Step Guide
🍞✨ Learn the art of no-discard sourdough! Create a robust and flavorful sourdough starter from scratch without the waste. Follow this step-by-step guide for homemade bread magic. 🌾🥖 #SourdoughStarter #NoWasteBaking #HomemadeBread #ArtisanalBaking #DIYBread #WildYeast
2023 Top Ten Read Blog Posts
Happy New Year! I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2023 https://livesimplywithkristin.com/2023-top-ten-read-blog-posts/
How To Use Essential Oils Throughout The Home
Essential oils may be great for aromatherapy, but can they really be used to help clean your home? In fact, lemon, tea tree, rosemary, lavender, and peppermint essential oils are all naturally antibacterial, whereas many more, like orange, pine, and eucalyptus, are often major ingredients in less-natural cleaning products. For me, the initial purchase of a bunch of essential oils was absolutely worth it; only a few drops are ever used at once, and they have plenty of uses around the home. Here are just a few of the ways you can clean and freshen your house with them.
Benefits of Not Raking Your Leaves in the Fall
"Discover the surprising benefits of embracing nature this fall! 🍂 Learn why leaving your leaves unraked can create a thriving, eco-friendly garden, providing natural mulch, habitat for wildlife, and a haven for essential pollinators like bees. 🐝🌿 Say goodbye to the rake and hello to a sustainable, beautiful backyard! #SustainableLandscaping #BeeFriendlyGarden #NoRakeNovember"
My First Born is off to College
This blog has been sitting in my drafts since August! I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to finally sit down and write this blog! I guess it’s because this whole new adventure has been emotional for me as a Mom! With Jack off to college away from home has been a bit of an adjustment. I knew it was going to be challenging but I was unaware how much I would miss him! Thanksgiving break is next week and I am counting down the days until Jack arrives home for break! This has been the longest I have been away from him. Another reason I wanted to…
Starting Seeds Inside
Everything you need to know about starting seeds inside! www.livesimplywithkristin.com
Getting Started with Backyard Ducks!
Getting Started with Backyard ducks everything you need to know! www.livesimplywithkristin.com
Getting Started with Backyard Chickens!
Getting Started with Backyard Chickens, everything you need to know! www.livesimplywithkristin.com
Top Ten Free Valentine’s Day Ideas
Looking for Free Things to do on Valentine’s Day?! While Valentine's day can be a great, love-filled day for many, it does put a lot of unnecessary pressure on couples, who often, end up spending a lot of unnecessary money on gifts. You can actually have a great time with your partner without spending a lot! Read on to discover 10 awesome free things you can do this Valentine’s Day!
Meal Planning Sunday #38
I hope these recipes help you plan your meals for the week! Copy my menu each week or create your own! If you missed last weeks click here. If you are on my email list I will be emailing you as well to let you know the new menu is up! Live Smply with Kristin www.livesimplywithkristin.com
2022 Top Ten Read Blog Posts
I can’t believe January is almost over! For the last three years, I have shared my top ten blog posts I thought it would be fun to look back at my top ten most viewed blog posts from 2022 you can read my Top Ten Blog post from: Top Ten Blog Posts in 2021 here Top Ten Blog Posts in 2020 here Top Ten Blog Posts in 2019 here. I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below on what you would like to see from me in 2023! Okay, let’s get started with my Top 10 Blog Post from 2022! Click on the blog names to…
Ziplock Bag Organizing
Let's organize my Ziplock bag drawer! Before!! With these Amazon organizer containers. www.livesimplywithkristin.com
New Year New Name!
Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing 2022! Can you believe it is already 2023? You may have noticed my blog has a new URL and name! Live Simply with Kristin! I am so excited about this new change and I hope you are too! I have been feeling the pull to rebrand for a while now but at the same time, it’s a bit scary! I have loved everything I have done with Innovative Health & Fitness. Let’s look back at Innovative Health & Fitness I started Innovative Health and Fitness blog on October 1, 2014! My First Post: I have published 345 blog posts which actually…
BABY CHICKS HATCH: Our First Hatching
🐣💕🐥 NEW BABY CHICK!! 🐣💕🐥 Last month Ryan and I were out for our evening walk around the property and my husband said do you hear a baby chick? I was like “No Way!!” I hurried over to the coop and sure enough, we have a baby chick out in the middle of the run! I knew I had a broody hen but I’ve never had any of my broody hens actually hatch an egg!! I picked up the little tiny chick and took it into the coop. I already had a “nursery” set up from when my last batch of chicks moved outside to the large coop. Watch this…
vTOS Surgery Update Part 4
My Journey with Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrom part 4! This journey has been more challenging than I thought it would be and as I’m writing this update which is way overdue I am getting ready for another surgery. It’s actually really hard for me to write because I feel like it’s such a negative situation and I don’t like to focus on the negative but I want to get my story out there to hopefully help others out there in a similar situation. If you have missed my other updates you can check them out here: My Journey with Thoracic Outlet Syndrom Part 1 vTOS Update Part 2 vTOS Update…